About Department

The department of B. Voc. Sustainable Agriculture established in June 2018. This course is approved by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The course has three years degree programmes having multiple exits at six months, one year & two years with certificate, diploma & advanced diploma respectively. The course programme offers various skill-based trainings related to agricultural sector. The different job roles are available to students in various Agro-Industrial areas. The degree certificate is awarded by Shivaji University, Kolhapur. The students are assessed by the Agriculture Skill Council of India, New Delhi at different levels on the basis of their academic performance and practical skills.
This course imparts knowledge and hands on training on agricultural aspects on tissue culture, food technology related business and marketing techniques. The department has framed the curriculum in such a manner that by the time. The entrepreneur skills will be developed and they will be fit to work in Agricultural sectors eighter in manufacture or service sector, they can also join in research, teaching and agricultural sector.

B.Voc 1

Faculty (Teaching Staff)

Mr. Kudale Ajay Sanjay

Qualification: M.Sc. Agriculture (Post-Harvest technology and Management)

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 03 Years

Specialization: Post-Harvest Technology and Management

View Detailed Profile

Mrs. Kanase Varsha Jayvant

Qualification: M.Sc. Agriculture

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 03 Years

Specialization: (Vegetable Science)

View Detailed Profile

Ms. Swati Baban Godase

Qualification: M.Com.

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 14 Years

Specialization: Accountancy

View Detailed Profile

Mr. Prafullakumar Shantaram Kamble

Qualification: M. A.

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 16 Years at UG & 3 Years at PG

Specialization: American Literature

View Detailed Profile

Faculty Name

Sr. No. Year Name View Details
1 2022-23 Mr. Kudale A S View
Mrs. Kanase V J View
Mr. Kamble P S View
Mrs. Godase S B View
2 2021-22 Mr. Kudale A S View
Mrs. Kanase V J View
Mr. Kamble P S View
Mrs. Godase S B View
3 2020-21 Dr. Chopade B J View
Mr. Kudale A S View
Mrs. Kanase V J View
Mr. Kamble P S View
Mrs. Godase S B View
4 2019-20 Dr. Chopade B J View
Mr. Kudale A S View
Mrs. Kanase V J View
Mr. Kamble P S View
Mrs. Godase S B View
5 2018-19 Dr. Chopade B J View
Mr. Kudale A S View
Mr. Kasgawade S U View
Mr. Kokare G A View
Mrs. Kanase V J View
Mrs. Godase S B View

Non-Teaching Staff

Sr. No. Year Name Designation
1 2022-23 Mr. Birajdar V S Laboratory Assistant
2 2017-18 Mr. Awaghade S B Laboratory Attendant


B. voc. laboratory plays a essential role in enriching educational quality base of a students a necessary part of learning that exposes students to full range of disciplinary subfields and agriculture techniques. We have essential physical facilities to run the courses effectively such as well-equipped B. Voc. Laboratory having adequate number of computers, internet connectivity, working Models, agricultural tools and implements etc.

Tools & Equipment


Name of Equipment

1 Computers 01
2 Projector 01
3 Smart board 01
4 Rain Gauge 01
5 Thermometer 02
6 Cup-Anemometer 01
7 Barometer 02
8 Wind Vane 01
9 Anemometer 01
10 Hygrometer 01
11 Sprayer 02

Agricultural Models

Sr.No. Name of Models Quantity
1 Solar dryer 01
2 2 Stroke & 4 Stroke Engine model 01
3 Ship and goat house model 01
4 Farm fencing model 01
5 Poly house model 01
6 Dairy farming model 01
7 Water conservation model 01
8 Poultry house model 01

Lab Training


Syallabus & Outcomes

Sr. No. Class/Degree programme Title of the Course Syllabus Outcomes
1 UG

B. Voc. (Sustainable Agriculture)

B. Voc. Sustainable Agriculture Part I View View
2 B. Voc. Sustainable Agriculture Part II View View
3 B. Voc. Sustainable Agriculture Part III View View

Academic Calendar & Time Table

Sr. No. Year Particulars View Details
1 2022-23 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
2 2021-22 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
3 2020-21 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
4 2019-20 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
5 2018-19 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View

Research – Project & Publications

The Department of B. voc. Sustainable Agriculture actively engaged in research projects and publications. it applied science that integrates goals such as environmental health’s, economical profitability and social and economic equity. The students and faculties in research field like Plant Protection, Soil Science, Food Processing etc.

Projects 2021-22

Name of the Faculty Title of the Project Funding Agency Amount Sanctioned Status
Mr. Kanse S U Effect of integrated biological agents on improving soil fertility and management of plant pathogen D P Bhosale College Koregaon 36,000 Completed


Dr. Chopade B J

Sr. No. Title of the Research paper / Book chapter Name of the Journal Authors Year View File
1 Economics of newer insecticides against major insect pests of sesamum Journal of entomology and zoology studies


BJ Chopade, PK Rathod, GM Golvankar and PT Patil 2018 View
2 Effect of newer insecticides on population of predators of insect pests of sesamum International Journal of Chemical Studies BJ Chopade, PK Rathod, 2018 View



Mr. Kudale A S

Sr. No. Title of the Research paper / Book chapter Name of the Journal Authors Year View File
1 Standardisation of recipe for batter and breaded product Acetes cutlet from Jawala Acetes indicus Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications


Kudale, A. S., Pagarkar, A. U., Gaikwad, B. V., 2018 View
2 Effect of washing processes on quality parameters of surimi prepared from Lesser sardine (Sardinella spp.) Journal Of Entomology and Zoology Studies


Gaikwad BV, Pagarkar AU, Chogale ND, Mohite SA, Chaudhari KJ,Kudale AS 2018 View
3 Modified atmosphere packaging: an approach to seafood industry J. Exp. Zool. India A. U. Pagarkar, B. V. Gaikwad, A. S. Kudale, 2020 View


Miss. Kanase V J

Sr. No. Title of the Research paper / Book chapter Name of the Journal Authors Year View File


Studies on Effect of Planting Dates on Growth, Yield and Quality of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) cv. Green Magic International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences V.J. Kanase, A.M. Bhosale and V.N. Shinde



Workshops & Conferences


Title of the Workshop/ Seminars

Level View Details  
2022-23     View
Carrier opportunities after graduation University View
2021-22 Workshop on- Computer hardware and networking University View
One Day Workshop on “Biodiversity: Values and Conservation Strategies” University View
2020-21  “Challenges in Sustainable Agriculture” National View

Guest Lectures, Expert Lectures

The Department of B. Voc. Sustainable Agriculture organizes Guest Lectures/Expert Talks of the eminent scholars from other colleges to exchange the resourceful faculty and exploit their expertise in the topics such as Journalism in agriculture, Botany, Agriculture and Meteorology. Besides, expert talks from the in-house faculty are also conducted on the specific occasion to celebrate the events like Agriculture Day. The main objective behind this activity is to motivate students for learning and staff for interacting with the experienced teachers.


Resource Person Topic

View Details

2022-23 Dr. B. S. Chavan Journalism & Mass Communication in Agriculture View
2021-22 Mr. K. S. Jadhav Computer Hardware and Networking View
Mr. S. A. Mohite Flowers of Kas Plateau



Mr. S. H. Bhoite Wildfire and loss of Biodiversity
2020-21 Dr. A C Khaire Sugarcane white grub and their management



Dr. S. M.  Muley Preparation of milk products one of agricultural supportive business

Student & Faculty Achievements

Student Achievements

Sr. No. Name of the Student Class Competition View Details
1 Shahin Inamdar Tajuddin B.Voc. III Avishkar 2018 View

Faculty Achievements

Sr. No.


Name of the Faculty Designation Competition Achievement View
1 Mr. Kudale A S Asst. professor Avishkar 2020 at Shivaji University Kolhapur  

Third prize in Teachers category



Student Centered Activities

The Department of B. Voc. Sustainable Agriculture organizes Student Centric Activities such as onsite practical demonstration, lab to land programme, field visits, seed balls and plantation drives, agricultural awareness programme, Wall-Papers, Seminar of students, students for participation in Avishkar Research Convention etc.


Title of activity View Details
2022-23 Wallpaper Presentation- Agricoss


Celebration of Agriculture Day


2021-22 Study Tour at Sugar factory Jarandeshwar, Satara


Trade fair day 2022


Wallpaper Presentation : Dr. N E Borlaug


Demonstration of precision farming


2019-20 Study tour at Someshwar at Baramati


Trade fair day Celebration  2019


Field visit at Krushi Vidyapeetha, Dapoli (MS)


Demonstration on precision farming


Extension Activities & Best Practices

Sr. No. Year


View Details
1 2022-23 Celebration of agriculture day with farmers View
Awareness on Hydroponic Management View


2021-22 Demonstration of Vemicompost View
Practical demonstration on Shade Net management View


2019-20 Visit to Sugar factory View
Study Tour at Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli View

Job Opportunities

After completing degree programme in B.Voc. Sustainable Agriculture, the students have opportunity to fetch the following jobs –

Sr. No. Job Role


Soil Sampler Technician

Milk Tester


Plant Tissue Culture Technician






Apiculture Technician




Irrigation Technician


Poultry Feed Suppliers


Seri Culturist


Warehouse Manager


Dairy Manager

MoU/ Linkages/ Collaborations

Sr. No

Name of the Institute/ Organization/Lab

View Details
1 Seema-Biotech Talsande, Tal- Hatkanagle-Kolhapur View
2 Shree Ganesh Nursery, Chanchali, Tal- Koregaon-Satara View
3 Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED) Pune View

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