About Us

The Research & Development Cell (RDC) provides facilities and encourages research culture among the faculty and students. It aims to nurture research culture in the college by promoting research in newly emerging and challenging frontier areas of Science, Humanities and Commerce. It encourages students and faculty to undertake research in newly emerging frontier areas including multidisciplinary fields. This enhances the general research capability of budding technocrats by way of participating in conferences, seminars, workshops, project competition, etc.

The RDC aims to reach the Vision and Mission of the college and is functioning under the Chairmanship of Prin. Dr. V. S. Sawant. Under his able-guidance and advice, the college has received research grants of more than Rs.1.5 crores from different Government and Non-Govt. funding agencies like BIRAC, DST, HDFC CSR, River Engg. ‘Ex-DP’ians Association, Shivaji University, Kolhapur and others.



Aims & Objectives


  • To facilitate and encourage research culture among its faculty members and students.
  • To be the research-intensive institute in India and be a key partner in the development and advancement of national and international research initiatives.
  • To promote research through a range of publications, technology developments, patents, and other forms of IPR.
  • To inspire researchers to be partner with us in the advancement of knowledge for the benefit of society.


  • To develop research skills among the faculty and students
  • To promote and to encourage the aspiring students and faculty members to carry out research in the field of science by providing necessary facilities and infrastructures required for them.
  • To have Periodical interactive session with entrepreneurs/industrialists.
  • To enhance skill development training and self-employment opportunities.
  • To serve government and non-government agencies by taking up sponsored projects.

Research Advisory Council

Research Advisory Council

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Member Position
1 Prin. Dr. Sawant V. S. Chairperson
2 Dr. Jamadade V. S. Director, RDC)
3 Dr. Jadhav S.D. Member
4 Dr. Lokde B.S. Member
5 Dr. Sontakke D. G. Member
6 Dr. Koshti V. S. Member
7 Dr. Nalawade S. P. Member
8 Dr. Nikam N. D. Member
9 Dr. Deshpande S. M. Member
10 Dr. Hande M. B. Member
11 Mr. Kamble V.V.(O.S.) Member

Committees of RDC Council

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Member Position
Committee for Finance & Infrastructure
1 Dr. M. B. Hande Chairman
2 Mr. C. B. Jawale Member
3 Mr. D. I. Shingade Member
4 Mr. V. V. Kambale Member
5 Mr. M.U. Jadhav Member
Committee for Research Program Policy Development
1 Dr. S. D. Jadhav Chairman
2 Dr. S. M. Deshpande Member
3 Mr. S. G. Nikam Member
4 Mr. M. B. Mahale Member
5 Dr. S. G. Sontakke Member
Committee for Product Development, Monitoring and Commercialization
1 Dr. V. S. Koshti Chairman
2 Dr. S. D. Jadhav Member
3 Dr. N. M. Gosavi Member
4 Dr. S. G. Sontakke Member
5 Dr. B. S. Chavan Member
Committee for IPR, Legal & Ethical Matters
1 Dr. V.S. Jamadade Chairman
2 Dr. B. S. Chavan Member
3 Dr. N.D. Nikam Member
4 Dr. S.P. Nalawade Member
5 Mr. V. V. Kambale Member

Governance flow chart of RDC Council

Invention, Innovation, Incubation (III) Centre

The college has established Centre for Invention, Innovation & Incubation (C-III) to instill research among students, faculty and stakeholders. The Centre aims at providing atmosphere for nurturing innovative ideas of the budding researchers.  Initially, we invite new ideas from students and faculty. The RDC committee scrutinizes the collected ideas and selects for further encouragement and development. Finally, the innovative ideas are recommended to be presented in ‘University Avishkar Competitions’, Science Exhibitions and related platforms. The incubation center looks forward to the participation of students who have vibrant ideas, to be a part of this venture to get wide knowledge on financial & technical and assistance provided by funding agencies. This Centre has contributed in the development of innovative products which are highly useful for society. The Centre has developed collaborations to conduct activities like promoting research facilities and ideas across all disciplines using Incubation Center Services so as to develop and customize products for commercialization useful for humanity.


The Centre works with the following objectives:

  • To transform students into young entrepreneurs with vibrant ideas.
  • To support ideas of the students and help them to nourish those ideas into effective action plans.
  • To help students during the process of invention and provide them with all types of support.
  • To act as a platform for students to connect with mentors and opportunities through conducting workshops, seminars, exhibitions & projects.
  • To take initiatives on establishing more collaborations with academic institutes, research Centres and industries.
Research 2
Research 1

Facilities and Services

  • About Facility Centers
  • Facility Centers are available to the research scholars, faculty/agency outside the campus to perform their experiments.
  • Facility Centers is setup for those who do not have adequate space in their department.
  • Available Facility & Equipment’s
  • Facility Centers has advanced equipment’s like, Air Ion Generator, Portable Air Ion Generator, Ion Counter, Ozone Meter, Tri-field meter, Electro static DC Volt meter, Air Ion Meter, Flux meter, Light meter, Chemical bath deposition set up (CBD), Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction method set up (SILAR), Muffle Furnace, Hydrothermal unit, Computer with internet facility, Printer, LCD Projector etc.

Research Facility Centre (RFC)

The college has established Research Facility Centre (RFC) for promotion of research among teachers and students. The college has 9 science laboratories and a central library for research; however, some special kind of research needs specialized space and equipments. Therefore, the college provides Research Facility Centre to satisfy the requisition of researchers. The experiments conducted in the RFC are visited by external industrial agencies.

Language Laboratory

The Language Laboratory is equipped with the software DLM (Digital Linguistic Mentor) and other ICT tools. Language Laboratory enriches experiential learning of the students in terms of communication skills such as listening, speaking, communication in social environment, etc. The laboratory consists of 21 Computers, 21 Headphones, LAN & WiFi Internet Connectivity.

Science laboratories

Science laboratories are well equipped with computers, printers, scanners, and an internet facility. There is an exclusive Physics, Chemistry, Botany Zoology & Microbiology laboratories are well equipped for carrying out research in fundamental science. It has Distillation Plant, Conductivity measurement set up, Digital Multimeter, Digital Balance, refrigerator and required chemicals and glassware’s.

Research Guides & Students

Prin. Dr. Sawant. V. S.

Subject:  Physics

Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Jadhav S.D.

Subject:  Chemistry

Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Dr. Chavan B.S.

Subject:  Marathi

Qualification: M.A., Ph.D.

Dr. Lokde B.S.

Subject: English

Qualification: M.A., SET, Ph.D.

Dr.  Nalwade S. P.

Subject:  Zoology

Qualification:  M.Sc., Ph.D.

Dr. Jamdade V.S. 

Subject: Physics

Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Dr. Sontakke D.G.

Subject:  Marathi

Qualification:  M.A., Ph.D.

Research Students

Sr.No Name of the Student Title of the Thesis Date of Registration
Research Guide: Prin. Dr. Vijayshinh Sawant
1 Mr. Mahendra Prabhakar Yadav Studies on synthesis of Ga2O3 thin films by spray pyrolysis and its application for gas sensors 01/07/2017

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

2 Mr. Rajakumar Sangappa Sidharaddi “Studies on copper and zinc plated discharge electrodes for electrostatic air cleaner’’ 01/01/2015

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

Research Guide: Dr. Balasaheb. S. Chavan
3 Mr. Vipin Narayan Vairaat अण्णाभाऊ साठे आणि व्यंकटेश माडगुळकर यांच्या कथात्मक साहित्याचा लोकतत्त्वीय अभ्यास 01/07/2017

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

4 Mr. Shrikant Machhindra Kambale सुभाषचंद्र अक्कोळे :

व्यक्ती आणि विचार


(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

5 Miss. Varsha Balaso Tandale धर्मानंद कोसंबी यांच्या वाङ्मयाचा अभ्यास 01/07/2017

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

Research Guide: Dr. B. S. Lokde
6 Mr. Uday Sangonda Patil Psychoanalytical Study of Selected Crime Fiction of Ruth Ware 01/01/2022

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

7 Mr. Sushen Dnyanu Kamble A Study of Racial Hegemony in the Select Novels of Jesmyn Ward and Colson Whitehead 01/01/2020

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

8 Mr. Rajendra  Bhausaheb Wagh Regionalism in the Novels of Easterine Kire: A Study 01/07/2018

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

Research Guide: Dr. S. P. Nalawade
9 Miss. Asiya Momin Studies on effect of Nomuraea rileyi (farlaw) on electrophoretic protein patterns and proeteases activity during development of Helicoverpa armigera ( Hubner) 01/07/2013

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

(Spiral Submitted on 30th June 2022)

10 Mr. Bakare R. V. Study of Fresh Water Protozoa In Selected Lentic and Lotic Habitats From Satara District



(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

(Declared )

11 Miss. Sonali Gaikwad Effect of algal extract on larval development of Spodoptera litura 01/1/2016

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

12 Mr. Abhishek Ranvare Phytochemical analysis of Cassia auriculata and in vitro evaluation of its antioxidant and anticancer properties. 01/07/2018

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

Research Guide: Dr. Vinayak S. Jamadade


Miss. Aishwarya Anil Admuthe

Chemically Synthesized Iron Oxide – Polypyrol And Copper Oxide- Polypyrol Composite Films For Supercapacitor Application 01/07/2019

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

14 Mr.Pravin Hindurao Kumbhar Chemically Deposited Copper Iron Oxide/Reduced Graphene Oxide Thin Film For Supercapacitor Application 01/07/2019

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)


Mr. Rushiraj Prataprao Bhosale

Chemically Deposited Managanese Ferrite/Reduced Graphene Oxide Thin Film For Supercapacitor Application 01/01/2020

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

16 Mr. Vinayak Hanmant Kakade Chemically Deposited Cadmium Ferrite-Polypyrrol Composite Thin Films For Supercapacitor Application 01/07/2021

(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

Research Guide: Dr. Devanand Sontakke
17 Mr. Pravin Lalalo Bhosale  

हिंदू, सनातन, सातपाटील कुलवृत्तांत या कादंबऱ्यांतील

समाज, संस्कृती आणि इतिहासाचा अभ्यास


(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

18 Mr. Samir Ramchandra Vairagi कुलगुरूंच्या आत्मकथनांचा अभ्यास

(सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक आणि शैक्षणिक अभ्यासासंदर्भात)


(Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

Research Competition & Exhibition

Research Competitions & Exhibitions

Sr. No Year Competitions Level View Details
1 2022-23 Avishkar Research Competition University View
Avishkar Research Competition District View
2 2021-22 Avishkar Research Competition University View
Avishkar Research Competition District View
3 2020-21 Avishkar Research Competition University View
Avishkar Research Competition District View
4 2019-20 Avishkar Inter-University Research Convention State View
Avishkar Research Competition University View
Avishkar Research Competition District View
Sci-STAR-2019 Innovation State View
5 2018-19 Avishkar Inter-University Research Convention State View
Avishkar Research Competition University View
Avishkar Research Competition District View
Rayat Vidnyan Parishad & Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education, TFIR State View
Rayat Central Inspire Project Exhibition State View
6 2017-18 Avishkar Research Competition University View
Avishkar Research Competition District View
Rayat Avishkar Exhibition & Competition State View

Workshops, Seminar & Conferences

Workshops, Seminars & Conferences

Year Title of the Event Level View Details
2021-22 State Flowers of India on the occasion of International Flower Day International View
National Webinar on Research Importance of Hindi Language National View
Biodiversity: Values and Conservation Strategies State View
डिजिटल लेखन कार्यशाळा State View
State Level One Day Workshop on “Research Advances in Physics” State View
Role of Digital/E-payment in Rural Sector State View
Seri Farming University View
2020-21 International Web-Seminar on “Recent Trends in Nanostructure Material Based Devices and Their Applications” International View
Hyphenated Technique in detection of smart materials International View
National Web conference on Application of Geospatial Technology in Disaster management National View
National Webinar on Corona pandemic: lesson for India Economy National View
Nation Website on Role of cyber security during during and After COVID-19 National View
National Webinar on Challenger in SUSTAINABLE Agriculture 2020-21 National View
National E-Seminar on Role Academic Libraries during and After COVID-19 National View
National Web conference on Emerging Business reforms on the backdrop of Covid-19 National View
National E-Seminar on Biodiversity on Biodiversity of India : An Overview National View
State Level One Day Online Workshop on “Innovations, Research and Intellectual Property Rights” State View
2019-20 Introduction of Intellectual Property Rights organized by Research Committee State View
Chemistry software chromatographic skills in organic synthesis organized by Department of Chemistry University View
Infosys Global Business Foundation Skills organized by Department of Physics University View
2018-19 The Reflection of Work-Culture of the Gypsy & Liberated Tribes in Art & Literature International View
State Level Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) State View
Workshop on Chemistry software University View
One day Workshop on Apiculture and its role in pollination University View
2017-18 ‘Use of Smart board’-Workshop University View
‘Expert Guidance on Teaching Staff Training’ University View
Sr. No Type of Event Number
1 International Conferences 04
2 National Seminars 08
3 State Level Workshops 07
4 University Level Workshops 07
Total 26

Research Publications

Research Publications

Sr.No. Year Particulars of Publications Total Publications View Details
2017-18 to Till Date  154
1 2022-23 Research papers published in peer revived International and National Journals  


Research papers published in International/ National Conference proceedings View
Research papers published in UGC Care Listed Journals   View
Books/Chapters/Articles publications   View
2 2021-22 Research papers published in peer revived International and National Journals 29 View
Research papers published in International/ National Conference proceedings 12 View
Research papers published in UGC Care Listed Journals 29 View
Books/Chapters/Articles publications 01 View
3 2020-21 Research papers published in peer revived International and National Journals 31 View
Research papers published in UGC Care Listed Journals 31 View
Books/Chapters/Articles publications 05 View
4 2019-20 Research papers published in peer revived International and National Journals 11 View
Research papers published in International/ National Conference proceedings 02 View
Research papers published in UGC Care Listed Journals 11 View
5 2018-19 Research papers published in peer revived International and National Journals 17 View
Research papers published in International/ National Conference proceedings 37 View
Research papers published in UGC Care Listed Journals 17 View
6 2017-18 Research papers published in peer revived International and National Journals 06 View
Research papers published in International/ National Conference proceedings 02 View
Books/Chapters/Articles publications 03 View
Research Publications Up to 2016-17
7 Up to 2016-17 Research papers published in peer revived International and National Journals 174 View
Research papers published in International/ National Conference proceedings 113 View
Books/Chapters/Articles publications 47 View
Total Research Publications

Citation, H-index, i10-index

Citation, H-index, i10-index

Sr.No. Name of the Teacher Subject Citations h-index i 10-index Citation link

Prin. Dr. Sawant.V. S

Physics 414 10 10 Google Scholar 
2 Dr. Jamadade V.S. Physics 1028





11 11

Google Scholar

Web of Science


3 Dr. Jadhav S.D Chemistry 39 2 1 Google Scholar
4 Dr. Koshti V.S Chemistry 374 9 8 Google Scholar
5 Dr. Nalwade S.P Zoology 186 3 2 Google Scholar

Dr. Deshpande S. M.

Botany 9 2 Google Scholar
7 Mr. Gosavi N.M. Chemistry 14 2 Google Scholar
Total  3199 39 32

Research Projects

List of Research Projects/Grants/Consultancy 2022-23

Sr.No. Name of the P.I Title of the Project Department of P.I. Year of Award Funds Sanctioned in Rs. Funding Agency Duration
1 Prin. Dr. Vijaysinh Sawant A Bi-Ionic Air Cleaner & Disinfector with PCO Technology Physics 2022 5000000


Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)

3 Year
2 Dr. M. B. Hande Climate Change and its impact on Agriculture of Maharashtra Geography 2022 60000 Shivaji University, Kolhapur 2 Year

List of Research Projects/Grants/Consultancy 2021-22

Sr.No. Name of the P.I Title of the Project Department of P.I. Year of Award Funds Sanctioned in Rs. Funding Agency Duration
1 Prin.Dr.Vijaysinh Sawant Development of Smog Removal Machine Physics 2022 3000000 HDFC -CSR 1 Year
2 Mr.P.S.Kadam Structure and Morphological Study of Cobalt Oxide Thin Films for Electrochemical Energy Storage Applications Physics 2022 30000 Ex-Dipans Association, Koregaon 1 Year
3 Dr.Miss Patil Pratibha Suresh Sepration and Determination of Toxic metal ions from real and enviornmental samples Chemistry 2022 40000 Ex-Dipans Association, Koregaon 1 Year
4  Mrs.Deshmukh Aarati Baban Synthesis, Charactriztion and Photocatalytic applications of g-C3N$ and TiO2/g-C3N4 composites Chemistry 2022 30000 Ex-Dipans Association, Koregaon 1 Year
  Mr. S. U. Kasgawade Comparative Study of Tehmina Durrani’s Blasphemy and Ameena   Hussain’s The Moon in the Water from feminist perspective English 2022 30000 Ex-Dipans Association, Koregaon 1 Year

Dr. Lokde Bhagwan


Re-interpretation of Partition Novels with Special Reference to Khushwant Singh and Bapsi Sidhwa English 2021 55000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
  Dr. Sontakke Devanand Govindrao Marathi 2021 52000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
  Dr.Jamdade Vinayak Shivajirao Studies on temperature effect on supercapacitive behavior of electrochemically deposited polyaniline films Physics 2021 95000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
9  Dr. Deshpande Swapnaja Mukund Floristic Account of Meruling Hill With Special Emphasis On Endemic And Wild Plants Of Ornamental Potential Botany 2021 90000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
10  Dr.Koshti Vijaykumar Shivaji Synthesis of catalyst and their application in organic transformation Chemistry 2021 95000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
11 Dr.Nalawade Savita Pravin Study of Freeliving Freshwater Protozoan Biodiversity in Selected Water Bodies From Satara District Zoology 2021 90000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
12   Mr.Patil Daulat Dinkarrao ATM Services of selected public and private banks in east satara district Commerce 2021 52000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
13   Dr. Hande Mahadev Bhiva “Climate change and its impact on Ragi crop of maharashtra : Geographical Analysis” Geography 2021 58000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
14    Mrs. Salunkhe Ashwini Suresh Mathematical Research on Optimization Technique for Diet Planning Problem in Selected Villages in  Koregaon  Taluka Mathematics 2021 52000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
15   Mr. Kanase Shivraj Uddhavrao Effect of Integrated Biological agents on improving soil fertility and management of plant pathogen B.Voc (Sust.Agree) 2021 36000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
16   Mr. P.R.Bhosale Chhatrapati Shahu Scholarship for Ph.D Students for 5 Year Physics 2021 3200000 Govt. of Maharashtra 5 Years
17    Mr. S.L.Jadhav Chhatrapati Shahu Scholarship for Ph.D Students for 5 Year Physics 2021 3200000 Govt. of Maharashtra 5 Years

List of Research Projects/Grants/Consultancy 2020-21

Sr.No. Name of the P.I Title of the Project Department of P.I. Year of Award Funds Sanctioned in Rs. Funding Agency Duration
1 Prin.Dr.Vijaysinh Sawant  

Development of Smog Removal Machine

Physics 2021 1300000


Science & Technology Park,Pune  (Supported by DST) 1 Year
2  Prin.Dr.Vijaysinh Sawant Ion Genrator(Bipolar)in Ac Coches in Indian Railway Physics 2021 1000000 River Engineering Pvt Ltd (REPL) 1 Year
  Prin. Dr. Vijaysinh Sawant Ion Genrator (Start-UP-AmbiAir Cleaning Technolgy Pvt.Ltd). Physics 2021 1000000 River Engineering Pvt Ltd (REPL) 1 Year
  Miss. Aishwarya Anil Admuthe Research Award Grant Physics 2021 25000


Prof. C. D. Lokhande Charitable Trust, Endowment Pune 1 Year

List of Research Projects/Grants/Consultancy 2019-20

Sr.No. Name of the P.I Title of the Project Department of P.I. Year of Award Funds Sanctioned in Rs. Funding Agency Duration
1 Dr. S. S. Pawar Comparative Study Of Home Loan of Bank of Maharashtra and State Bank of India In Satara District Commerce 2019 20000 Ex-Dipans Association, Koregaon 1 Year
2 Mr. D. D. Patil A Study of Customer Satisfaction of Selected Bank Services I Koregaon City Commerce 2019 20000 Ex-Dipans Association, Koregaon 1 Year
3 Dr. V. V. Padalkar Agriculture polices of Maharashtra Government and southern Maharashtra History 2019 40000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
4 Dr. N. D. Nikam Biological Specimen Preservation by Potassium Alum Crystal Chemistry 2019 80000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
5 Mr. S. G. Nikam An Economic Assessment of Jalyukta Shivar Abhiyan In Satara District with Special Reference to Koregaon Tehsil Economics 2019 30000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
6 Mrs. R. K. Mulla ‘Priya tumhara Gav’ men Chitrit Vishay vividhata Hindi 2019 30000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
7 Dr. V. S. Jamadade Development of Li- doped NiFe2OThin Films by Chemical Deposition Method and its Application Physics 2019 70,000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
8 Mr. N. M. Gosavi Synthesis of fluorescent probes for detection Hydrazine and Bisulfite Chemistry 2019 120000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
9 Mrs. S. P. Korane Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activities of Hydrazone Complexes Chemistry 2019 60000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
10 Dr. S .G. Saykar Feeling of Sorrow, Anger and revolt in dalit Literature English 2019 40000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
11 Rayat Avishar  Research Inspire Research Projects Avishar & Inspire Research Projects All 2019 6260 Rayat Shikshan Sanstha 1 Year

List of Research Projects/Grants/Consultancy 2018-19

Sr.No. Name of the P.I Title of the Project Department of P.I. Year of Award Funds Sanctioned in Rs. Funding Agency Duration

Grants for Students & Faculty

Rayat Avishar Projects All 2018-19 10000 Rayat Shikshan Sanstha 1 Year

Grants for Students & Faculty

Rayat Inspire Projects All 2018-19 10000 Rayat Shikshan Sanstha 1 Year
3 Dr. S. S. Pawar Comparative Study Of Home Loan of Bank of Maharashtra and State Bank of India In Satara District Commerce 2018-19 20000 Ex-Dipans Association, Koregaon 1 Year
4 Mr. D. D. Patil A Study of Customer Satisfaction of Selected Bank Services I Koregaon City Commerce 2018-19 20000 Ex-Dipans Association, Koregaon 1 Year
5 Dr. V. V. Padalkar Agriculture polices of Maharashtra Government and southern Maharashtra History 2018-19 40000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
6 Dr. N. D. Nikam Biological Specimen Preservation by Potassium Alum Crystal Chemistry 2018-19 80000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
7 Mr. S. G. Nikam An Economic Assessment of Jalyukta Shivar Abhiyan In Satara District with Special Reference to Koregaon Tehsil Economics 2018-19 30000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
8 Mrs. R. K. Mulla ‘Priya tumhara Gav’ men Chitrit Vishay vividhata Hindi 2018-19 30000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
9 Dr. V. S. Jamadade Development of Li- doped NiFe2OThin Films by Chemical Deposition Method and its Application Physics 2018-19 70,000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
10 Mr. N. M. Gosavi Synthesis of fluorescent probes for detection Hydrazine and Bisulfite Chemistry 2018-19 120000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
11 Mrs. S. P. Korane Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activities of Hydrazone Complexes Chemistry 2018-19 60000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year
12 Dr. S .G. Saykar Feeling of Sorrow, Anger and revolt in dalit Literature English 2018-19 40000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year

List of Research Projects/Grants/Consultancy 2017-18

Sr.No. Name of the P.I Title of the Project Department of P.I. Year of Award Funds Sanctioned in Rs. Funding Agency Duration
1 Research Projects for Botany Faculty & Students Medicinal Plants Botany 2017 50000 Ex-Diapan’s Association 1 Year

Research Grants for Students

Inspire Research Projects All 2017 10000 Rayat Shikshan Sanstha 1 Year
3 Research Projects for Chemisty Faculty & Students Separation and determination of toxic metal ions from Industrial wastes Chemisty 2017 10000 Samarth Trading Company 1 Year
4 Dr.G.S. Bhosale & Smt. R.K. Mulla Hindi Bhasha Ka Vaishvik Swarup Hindi 2017 5000 D. P. Bhosale College 1 Year

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Product Patents  06
Sr. No Name of the Inventor Name of the Invention & Details  Level Status
1 Prin. Dr. V. S Sawant PCT International “System & Method for Smog Removal” Application No PCT/IN2021/050961 filled on 7th October 2021 International (PCT) Published
2 Prin. Dr.V.S. Sawant “System & Method for Smog Removal” Patent Application No : 2020015336 filled on 7th October 2021 National Published
3 Prin. Dr.V.S. Sawant “A Bi-Ionic Air Cleaner & Disinfector system” Patent Application No : 202121054534  filled on 25th November 2021, National Registered
4 Prin. Dr.V.S. Sawant Design Patent Application No: 354377-001 filled on 30th November 2021 National Examination
5 Prin. Dr.V.S. Sawant Design Patent Application No: 354378-001 filled on 30th November 2021 National Examination
6 Prin. Dr.V.S. Sawant Design Patent Application No: 354379-001 filled on 30th November 2021 National Examination
Product Trademark 01
7 Prin. Dr.V.S. Sawant Trademark Registration Application No : 5235784 filled on 6th December 2021 National Registered
Process Patents    11
8 Dr.V.S. Jamadade

Chemical synthesis of polythiophene thin film for supercapacitor application, 1695/MUM/2012 Patent office Date of Filing 11/06/2012,

POJ-Pg.N0-31607, Publication Date : 20/12/2013

National Granted
9 Dr.V.S. Jamadade Electrochemical capacitor based on polypyrrole thin film electrode, Application. No- 3221/MUM/2011. Patent office Date of Filing 14/11/2011 National Published
10 Dr.V.S. Jamadade Room temperature sensor based on n-NiFe2O4/p-Polyaniline heterojunction, Application. No – 1232/MUM/2011. Patent office  Date of Filing 15/04/2011 National Published
11 Dr.V.S. Jamadade Chemically deposited nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 thin films for supercapacitive application, Application. No – 341/MUM/2011. A,  Patent office  Date of Filing 07/02/2011, National Published
12 Dr.V.S. Jamadade A Simple Chemical Synthesis Process of Cobalt Manganese Phosphate Thin Films on Conducting and Non-Conducting Substrates Thereof, Application. No. 202121000316, Date of Filing-05/01/2021 National Examination
13 Dr.V.S. Jamadade “A Chemical Synthesis Process of Manganese Phosphate on Conducting Substrate Thereof” Indian patent, Patent office, Application. No.- 202121025396, Date of Filing-08/06/2021 National Examination
14 Dr.V.S .Jamadade A chemical synthesis process of manganese ferrite thin films on conducting substrates for energy storage, Application No. 202221005137 dated 31-01-2022 National Examination
15 Dr. S. D. Jadhav Novel enantiomerically enriched oxoisoindolin, Application No- 202021007622A,  date-23/02/2020 National Published
16 Dr. Patil Pratibha Suresh Biological specimen preservation by potash alum crystal, Application No -201921007190A, date -22/02/2019 National Published
17 Dr. Mrs. S. M. Deshpande A Polyherbal Composition, Application No. 202121024024, date -29/05/2021 National Registered
18 Dr. Patil Pratibha Suresh

A deep Learning based Approach to analyze to atomic structure and chemical make of various polymers and their applications

Application No. 202221036246, 24/06/2022

National Published
pic 1


Sr. No. Name of Startup CIN of the Company View Details
1 AmbiAir Cleaning Technology Pvt Ltd U29305PN2020PTC193583 View
2 Medical Air Technology Pvt Ltd U29308PN2020PTC193877 View

Innovative Commercial Products

Bi-Ionic Air Ion Generator
(Input 230 Volt AC with Imported Component)

Screenshot (260)_prev_ui

Bi-Ionic Air Ion Generator
(Input 230 Volt AC with Indian Component)


Bi-Ionic Air Ion Generator
(Input 5 Volt DC with Imported Component)

Ambiair 1_prev_ui

Bi-Ionic Air Ion Generator
(Input 5 Volt DC with Indian Component)

Ambiair 4_prev_ui

Bi-Ionic Air Cleaner
(Table Top)


Bi-Ionic Air disinfector with
PCO Technology (Table Top)

Air cleaner_prev_ui (1)

Bi-Ionic Air Cleaner
(Wall Mount)

Air cleaner 1_prev_ui

Bi-Ionic Air disinfector with PCO Technology
(Wall Mount)

Air cleaner 2_prev_ui

Smog Removal Machine
(with 4 Chamber)

Smog Machine 1

Smog Removal Machine
(with 2 Chamber)

smog machine 2

Achievements & Awards

National Awards

Sr. No Name of the Faculty/Students Name of the Awards View Details
1 Prin. Dr. Vijaysinh Sawant Yashwantrao Chavan Ideal Teacher Award View
2 Prin. Dr. Vijaysinh Sawant Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Life Time Achievement Award, Bangluru View
3 Dr. V. S. Jamadade Best Research Paper Award, National Conference Pandharpur.Maharashtra View
4 Dr. V. S. Jamadade Best Research Paper Award, National Conference on Life science, Dahiwadi View
5 Miss. Aishwarya Anil Admuthe (Ph.D Student)Guide: Dr.V.S.Jamadade Prof. C.D. Lokhande Research Award Research Award : Rs:25,000/- View
6 Dr. D. G. Sontakke Sahitya Akademmi,Award; Delhi View
7 Dr.Bhagwan Lokde Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Award View
8 Mrs. R.K.Mulla Zero Mile Icon Award-2022 View
9 Dr. Siraj Shaikh National Sahitya Seva Samman View

State Level Awards

Sr. No Name of the Faculty/Students Name of the Awards View Details
1 Prin. Dr. Vijaysinh Sawant Life Time Achievement Award by JSPM Pune View
2 Prin. Dr. Vijaysinh Sawant Honor  & Appreciation by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Satara  for contribution in Innovation, Startup, Patent, Consultancy & Royalty View
3 Prin. Dr. Vijaysinh Sawant Appreciation by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Satara  for contribution in Research View
4 Dr. V. S. Jamadade Best Researcher Award AVISHKAR , Govt.of Maharashtra View
5 Dr.V.S.Jamadade Honor  & Appreciation by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Satara  for contribution in Innovation, Patent View
6 Dr. D. G. Sontakke Maharashtra Granthottejak Purskar View

International Fellowships

Sr. No Name of the Faculty/Students Name of the Fellowships View Details
1 Dr. V. S. Jamadade Post Doctoral Fellowship, National Central University, Taiwan View
2 Dr. V. S. Koshti Post Doctoral Fellowship, Rouen University, France View

National Fellowships

Sr. No Name of the Faculty/Students Name of the Fellowships View Details
1 Dr. V. S. Jamadade Senior Research Fellowship, CSIR, Govt. of India View
2 Dr. V. S. Jamadade Junior Research Fellowship, DRDO, Ministry of Defense Govt. of India View
3 Mr. Sharad Laxman Jadhav Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj National Research Fellowship -2021 View
4 Mr. Rushikesh Prataprao Bhosale Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj National Research Fellowship -2021 View
5 Dr. S. S. Yadav UGC Faculty Development Programme (2 years) View
6 Dr. B. S. Lokde UGC Faculty Development Programme (2 years) View

Reflection in Media

sakal 1
Sakal 2
sakal 3
sakal 4
sakal 5
sakal 6

Photo Gallery

Model Demonstaration of Air Ion Genrator in front of Hon. Dr. Anil Patil (Chairman, Rayat Skishan Sanstha)

Interview and Presentations on Proposed Research Projects 2021-2022

Students present their model in Research Competition-2018-19

Science projects & Poster Presentation in State level Research Competition

IPR Workshops (Offline)

IPR Workshops (Online)

Startup Awareness Program