Placement Cell

Welcome to the Recruitment Website For D. P. Bhosale College Koregaon, Dist. Satara is the one of the foremost industrial leadership development institution. Our Graduates are a combination of rigorous thinking, hard work and fundamentals. It is a well known fact that per capita, D. P. Bhosale College Koregaon, Dist. Satara has produced more millionaires.


  • The Placement Office (nodal point for placements at D. P. Bhosale College Koregaon, Dist. Satara) or the Placement Cell (a body of student representatives) sends invitations to companies/organizations along with relevant information.
  • The information about logins are created for companies interested in recruiting
  • Company/ Organization fills in a JAF (Job Announcement Form) containing details of the job offer (pay package, place of posting, allowances and other bonuses) using their online account. JAFs can also be sent either by post or email to Placement Cell/ Office.
  • Online JAFs cannot be edited after a particular date, decided by the Placement Office.
  • If the company/ organization wishes to conduct a Pre-Placement Talk (PPT) they can sent a request along with the preferred dates.
  • The JAF is made available online to the students, along with any other information furnished by company organization.
  • Placement Office allots dates to companies for campus interviews based on various details given by companies. The company/ organization confirms the dates with the Placement Office.
  • Interested students show their willingness to appear for the recruitment process of a company by signing its JAF.
  • Companies can view resumes of interested students and shortlist students using their online account.
  • Companies come down to the campus on the allotted date/s and conduct tests and/or interviews according to their recruitment process.
  • The company/ organization is required to furnish the final list of students preferably on the date of interview.

Note: The placement office records jobs corresponding to the students selected. Students once placed may not be allowed to appear for other interviews as per the institute placement policy.

* The Job Announcement Form provides the primary basis of communicating the details of the positions offered to the candidates. It is therefore, highly desirable that the Form is completed in all respects and it would be advantageous if it were accompanied by relevant company literature with more details about the company.

**Companies are allotted dates based on the ranking of the job offer. The job offer is ranked based on the following parameters:

  • Compensation Package
  • Growth Prospects in the job
  • Past record of recruitment at D. P. Bhosale College Koregaon, Dist. Satara


In the Academic Year 2019-20 Placement cell has achieved 122 students placement in TCS and Government section jobs like police and Army. This academic year our target is to more then 200 students receive job and for that purpose we are working with BOSCH and Mahindra Prv. Lmt.