About Department

The Department of Zoology fosters an environment conducive to both students and faculty members, offering a nurturing atmosphere for academic and scientific pursuits. With continuous advancements in knowledge, the department has effectively guided students in embracing modern scientific methodologies.
Established in 1968, the Department provides Zoology as an elective subject across B.Sc. Part I, II, and III levels. The syllabus aligns with the standards set by Shivaji University Kolhapur and meets UGC requirements. Following a semester-based examination pattern, the department boasts a well-qualified faculty with varied research interests.
Catering to the educational needs of students from rural areas such as Koregaon and beyond, the department molds individuals into valuable contributors to society. As one of the oldest academic units, it emphasizes social responsibility, nurturing students to not only excel in academic and scientific roles but also to serve as bridges between scientific knowledge and the wider community.
Equipped with spacious laboratories, a museum, and modern learning infrastructure including ICT resources, the department facilitates practical learning experiences. It maintains an extensive collection of reference materials and ensures internet access for all, promoting continuous learning and skill development. In addition to traditional lecture-based teaching, the department embraces interactive, project-based, and experiential learning methods.
To foster entrepreneurship, the department has introduced specialized courses such as Prawn Farming, Pearl Culture and Zoological museum management, alongside career-focused programs. Department also encourages exploration in fields like sericulture and apiculture, providing platforms for aspiring entrepreneurs and technocrats. From year 2023-24 department has initiated a best practice program on ‘Nurturing Birds’ to raise awareness about environmental conservation. Through this initiative, we aim to promote the importance of biodiversity and the role birds play in maintaining ecological balance. Beyond academics, the department organizes workshops, expert lectures, research competitions, study tours, and field visits.
The dedicated faculty members of the department have made notable contributions, particularly in technology transfer across various disciplines including agriculture, apiculture, fisheries, sericulture, and biodiversity conservation.
Students are encouraged to undertake research projects under faculty guidance, nurturing their research skills and fostering confidence. Faculty members actively support and motivate slow learners through remedial classes, ensuring no student is left behind in their academic journey.


Faculty (Teaching Staff)

Dr. Mrs. Savita Pravin Nalawade

Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Designation: Associate Professor (head)

Experience: 15 Years

Specialization: Animal Physiology

View Detailed Profile


Dr. Ms Kalyani Jaysing Kamble

Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 11 Years

Specialization: Cell Biology

View Detailed Profile

Ms. Nilofar Amin Shaikh (Vantamure)

Qualification: M.Sc. B.Ed.

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 08 Years

Specialization: Cell Biology

View Detailed Profile

Mr. Suraj Anil Sudnye

Qualification: M.Sc. B.Ed.

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: – 01 Years

Specialization: – Cell Biology

View Detailed Profile

(Non Teaching Staff)


Mr. Shrinivas Vasant Makhare

Qualification: HSc.

Designation: Laboratory Assistant

Experience: 19 Years

Mr. Sanjay Mahadev Sanas

Qualification: B.A.

Designation: Laboratory Attendant

Experience: 31Years


Sr. No. Year Name View Details
1       2021-22    Mr. C. B. Jawale
   Dr. Mrs. S. P. Nalawade
   Dr. Ms. K. J. Kamble
   Mrs. N. A. Shaikh
2 2020-21    Mr. C. B. Jawale
   Dr. Ms. K. J. Kamble
   Mrs. N. A. Shaikh
   Ms. S. S. Pawar
3       2019-20    Mr. C. B. Jawale
   Mrs. N. A. Shaikh
   Ms. S. S. Pawar
   Ms. S. A. Kokil
   Ms. T. N. Kadam
4      2018-19    Mr. C. B. Jawale
   Mr. A.D. Ramane
   Ms. S. A. Pawar
5       2017-18    Mr. V. N. Bankar
   Mr. C. B. Jawale

Research – Project & Publications

Details of Research Publications

Sr. No. Name of the
Total  Publications Journals Proceedings Journals
      National International   UGC care  listed UGC Approved
Existing Faculty
1 Dr. Mrs. S. P. Nalawade 28 15 13 2 17 13
2 Dr. Mrs. K. J.Kamble 14 2 10 2 10 02

Research Publications since 2017

Sr. No. Title of the Paper ISSN/ISBN Year of Publication Journal View Details
Mr. C. B. Jawale


1 Evaluation Of Physical Fitness Before And After Weight Training Exercise ISSN 2277– 7105 Impact factor 8.074 June 2018 World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 7, Issue 15, 923-936. View
Dr. Mrs. S. P. Nalawade


1 Effects of Dietary Inclusion of Symbiotic on Protein Content, Enzyme Activity and Economic Parameters of Bombyx mori L. ISSN NO: 0976-1675 (P)

ISSN NO: 2249-4538 (E)

December 2023   Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 14(6): PP 1954–1957 View
2 Bio-efficacy of Algal Extract on Larval Development of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ISSN NO: 0976-1675 (P)

ISSN NO: 2249-4538 (E)

Jan–Feb 2024 Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences  Volume 15; Issue 01, pp 132–136 View
3 Bioefficacy of Metarhizium (Nomuraea) rileyi on protein profile during embryogenesis of Helicoverpa armigera (HUBNER) ISSN 0970-0226 June 2022 J. Res. ANGRAU 50 (2) 1-9 View
4 Effect of Entamopathogenic fungus, Nomuraea rileyi on the Larval Protein Patterns and Proteases Activity of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) ISSN NO. 0447-9483 2022 Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 66, Issue 3, 151-156


5 GCMSs analysis for separation and identification of bioactive compounds from freshwater cyanobacterium Nostoc fuscesence. ISSN 0976-9595


Nov.2020 Journal of Advanced Scientific Research Vol 11(4), 327-330 View
6 Piceatannol: A Natural stilbene for the prevention and treatment of Cancer. ISSN: 10436618

Impact Factor: 4.897

Jan. 2020 Pharmacological Research


153, 104635

7 Free living protozoan diversity in selected stations of Krishna river in Satara District, M. S., India Volume 6, Issue 4



April 2019 International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)

PP  91-96

8 Honokiol for cancer therapeutics: A traditional medicine that can modulate multiple oncogenic targets ISSN: 10436618

Impact Factor: 4.897

April 2019 Pharmacological Research


144, 192-209

9 Effect of Operculina tuprethum on body weight, organ weight and fertility of male and female albino rats. ISSN 2319-6475Impact Factor 6.614 Nov. 2018 International Journal of Current Advanced Research. Vol( 7) Issue 11( c )16379-16381 View
10 Study of Spirotricha ciliates for their occurrence in an artificial water body in the campus of Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya, Wai, during June 2017 to February 2018 ISSN: 0976-3031 IF 7.383 April, 2018 International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 9, Issue, 4(x), pp. 25650-25651 View
11 Protozoan fauna of freshwater habitat in water body on Ajinkyatara Fort, Dist. Satara, Maharashtra, in December 2017 ISSN: 0976-3031 IF 7.383 March, 2018 International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 9, Issue, 3(K), pp. 25395-25398 View
12 Diversity of freshwater protozoans from littoral zone of Venna lake in Mahabaleshwar ISSN: 2249-9504  Impact factor 0.478 2017 International Journal of Pharmaceutical, Chemical And Biological Sciences

IJPCBS 2017, 7(4), 407-410

Dr. Ms. K. J. Kamble


 1 Qualitative Phytochemical Analysis of Momordia charantia from Leaf, seed and fruit pulp extracts 2277– 7105  Impact Factor 8.084 2023
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
  Volume 12, Issue 5, 1355-1360  PP 1355-1360
2 Phytochemical Analysis of Leaf extracts of Gliricidia sepium ISSN 2319-6505 IF -6.614 2020 International Journal of Current Advanced Research, Volume 9 Issue 12 (B),pp23475-23476 View
3 In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Flower extracts of Moringa oleifera ISSN 2319-6505 IF – 6.614 2019 International Journal of Current Advanced, Research, Volume 8 Issue 6 (B), pp 19115-19116 View
4 Phytochemical Analysis of active compounds from the leaf extracts of Moringa oleifera ISSN: 2319-5622, IF 5 2019 Journal of Pharma Research, Vol. 8, Issue 7, pp 494-496 View
5 “Haematological changes in rat after chloropyryfos intoxication” ISSN-2277-8721, IF 5.20 2018 Electronic International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Eiirj), special issue, Volume VII, pp 248-252 View
6 “Effect of Chloropyrifos on Kidney of Rat” ISSN: 2277-8721, IF 5.20 2018 Electronic International Interdisciplinary 2277-8721, If 5.20 2018 Research Journal (Eiirj) special issue, Volume VII, pp 244- 247 View
 7 “Effect of leaf extract of Morus alba on angiogenesis by Chorio Allontoic Membrane Assay CAM in chick” ISSN 2249-9598, IF 4.3 2018 online international interdisciplinary research journal, Special January issue(2), pp-21-27. View
 8 “Study of noise levels during Ganesh festival in and around Satara City” ISSN: 2347- 517X, IF – 5.06 2017 International Journal Of Researches in Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology, Online open Access Peer reviewed four Monthly Journal,Vol –V, Special Issue(1) April 2017, pp 19-21 View

Details of Patents Published

Sr. No. Name of the faculty Title of the patent File Number  and Date Date of Publication/Granted View Details
1 Dr. Mrs. Savita Pravin Nalawade

A process for producing Silk


IN 202321002953 Dated 14th January 2023 19th July 2024 View
2 Dr. Mrs. Savita Pravin Nalawade

AI-Powered Precision Weeder


IN 413497-001 Dated 14th April 2024 22
nd May 2024
3 Dr. Mrs. Savita Pravin Nalawade Interactive Enrichment Feeder IN 6358468 Dated 10th April 2024 18
th April 2024
4 Dietary inclusion of Synbiotics on protein on Protein Content, Enzyme Activity and Economic Parameters of Bombyx Mori L. IN 202321013287 A

Dated 27th February 2023

th March 2023
5 Effect of Operculina tuprethum on body weight, organ weight and fertility. IN 202321021587

Dated 25
th March 2023

th April 2023
6 Ayurvedic Medicine to prevent blockages in heart and to thin the blood. IN 202321022639

Dated 25
th March 2023

th April 2023
7 Nomuraea rileyi exhibited notable bioefficacy againsthelicoverpa armigera (hubner) larvae, leading to alterations in protein profile: a promising strategy for pest management 202321050164

Dated 25
th  July 2023

th September 2023

Research Projects funded through seed Money or Ex- Dpiance Association

Sr. No. Name of the faculty Title of the Project Sponsored by Sanctioned Amount Year Status
1  Mr. C.B. Jawale Evaluation of Physical Fittness Before &After Waight Trainning Exercise UGC 1,20,000/- 2 Years 2016-2018 Completed
2 Dr. Mrs. S. P. Nalawade Study of electrophoretic protein patterns during development of Leucidones orbanalis (Gunee) UGC 1,60,000/- 2 Years 2010-12 Completed
Study of free living freshwater protozoan biodiversity in selected water bodies from Satara district D.P. Bhosale, College, Satara 90,000 2021-22 Completed

Syllabus & Outcomes

Bhosale College, Koregaon is an affiliated college to Shivaji University, Kolhapur (MS). The Department of Zoology follows syllabi of the courses framed by Board of Studies in Zoology of the said university. General Outcomes of the syllabus are as follows:

  • This program is one of the most fundamental unit of basic sciences studied at undergraduate level. The program helps to develop scientific tempers and attitudes, which in turn can prove to be beneficial for the society since the scientific developments can make a nation or society to grow at a rapid pace.
  • Students should be able to identify, classify and differentiate diverse chordates and nonchordates based on their morphological, anatomical and systemic organization. They will also be able to describe economic, ecological and medical significance of various animals in human life. This will create a curiosity and awareness among them to explore the animal diversity and take up wild life photography or wild life exploration as a career option.
  • After studying this program, students will be more equipped to learn and know about different biological systems, their coordination and control as well as evolution, behaviour and biological roles of the animals in the ecosystem. Moreover, they will be able to qualitatively and quantitatively analyse evolutionary parameters using various bioinformatics and computational tools used in modern sciences. This will provide them ample opportunities to explore different career avenues.
  • Practical and theoretical skills gained in this program will be helpful in designing different public health strategies for social welfare. The program has been designed to provide in-depth knowledge of applied subjects ensuring the inculcation of employment skills so that students can make a career and become an entrepreneur in diverse fields.
Sr. No. Program Class Views Details
1 B.Sc. I View
II View
III View
2 POs, PSOs & COs All programs & courses View

Short Term Course

The college aims at imparting crucial job skills to the students through various certificate programmes, thus enabling them to acquire an additional certificate along with their Degree certificates. Department of Zoology conducted various Short Term Courses to provide knowledge and upgrade specific skills.

Year Name of Course Particulars
2023-24 Short Term Course on Prawn Farming View
Skill based Zoological Museum Management View
Add on Certificate Course on Pearl culture View
2022-23 Certificate Course in Dietetics and Nutrition View
Skill based Course on Aquarium Construction View
Add on Course on Biodiversity and Conservation View
2021-22 Certificate Course on Vermicomposting View
Skill based Course on Clinical Hematology View
Add on Course on Sericulture View
2020-21 Certificate Course on Vermicomposting View
Skill based Course Introduction to Nutrition View
2019-20 Certificate Course on Vermicomposting View
Skill based Course on Dairy Farming View
Add on Course on Silkworm Physiology View
2018-19 Certificate Course on Vermicomposting View
Skill based Course on Ornamental Fish Farming View
Add on Course on Poultry Farming View
2017-18 Certificate Course on Vermicomposting View
Skill based Course on Bee keeping View
Add on Course on Goat Farming View

Academic Calendar & Time Table

The Department of Zoology prepared Academic Calendar and Time-Table following the General Academic Calendar of the college designed by Internal Quality Assurance Cell and General Time-Table prepared by Time-Table Committee every year.
The well designed Academic Calendar and Time-Table of the department help to conduct Academic, Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities smoothly and effectively.

Sr. No. Year Particulars View Details
1 2024-2025 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
1 2023-2024 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
2 2022-23 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
3 2021-22 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
4 2020-21 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
5 2019-20 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
6 2018-19 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
7 2017-18 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View

Guest Lectures, Expert Lectures

The Department of Zoology organizes Guest Lectures/Expert Talks of the eminent scholars for students in order to enhance their knowledge.
The main objective behind this activity is to motivate students for gaining additional knowledge.
This impact involves not only the teaching of particular academic skills, but as importantly, the fostering of student self-esteem.

Sr. No. Year Topic of the Lecture Date View Details



Guest lecture on the occasion of International Forest day

20th March 2024


Guest lecture on Snake Awareness

7th October 2023


Guest lecture on Conflict of man and wildlife

6th October 2023





7th October 2022


Wildlife in India

6th October 2022


Reintroduction of Chittah

14th September 2022


Healthy Nutrition

7th September 2022




Blood group Analysis

7th January  2022


Genetic Engineering

16th December 2021



13th December 2021




Molecular Biology

9th March 2021





30th August 2019


Transcription and Translation

27th September 2019


Fish farming: Construction and maintenance

24th January 2020


6 2018-19 Blood and Haemoglobin Awareness 21st December 2018 View
Vermicomposting and Vermiwash 9st November 2018 View
General Topics in Zoology 28th September 2018 View
Apiculture and its Role in Pollination 28th September 2018 View
Vermiculture and Vermicompost 21st September 2018 View
Innovative ideas in Zoology for Sketch and label the diagram And Amazing
14th September 2018 View

Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops

Conferences/Seminars/Workshops on Zoology  aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Zoology. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Zoology.
The Department of Zoology organizes Workshops on the topics of syllabus with the objective of providing a different learning experience to the students from outside expert and resourceful faculty.
The Department organized 01 National Seminar and 06 Workshops since the academic year 2017-18.

Details of Conference

Year Title of the Conference No. of Resource Persons No. of Participant View Details
2022-23 National Conference on Innovative Trends in Biological Research 03 180 View

Details of Seminar

Year Title of the Seminar No. of Resource Persons No. of Participant View Details
2018-19 National Seminar on Recent Trends in Life Sciences
2nd April 2019
03 89 View

Details of Workshop

Sr. No. Year Title of the Workshop Resource Person/s Topic of the Lecture View Details
1 2023-24 One day workshop on Cocoon handicraft
26th December 2023
Dr. Mrs. S. A.  kirtane Preparation of Cocoon
2 2021-22 One Day Workshop on Serifarming
6th January 2022
Mr. V. S. Ghorpade Sericulture View
3 2020-21 One Day Workshop on Health Wealth and Survival of Nature : Bee
16th March 2021
Mr. R. S. Deval BeeKeeping View
Workshop on new changed Syllabus B.Sc. III
30th January 2021
Dr. S. S. Patil,
Mrs. V. I. Kalmadi,
Dr. S.V. Mhaske
New changed Syllabus View
4 2019-20 One Day workshop on Beekeeping Management and Maintenance.
14th September 2019
Prof. Dr. S. S. Patil, Mr. M. M. Gadale Beekeeping Management and Maintenance View
5 2018-19 One day workshop on Beekeeping (Apiculture ) and its importance in pollination under lead college activity
25th Jan 2019
Mr. Rahul Deval Beekeeping View
One day workshop on Aquarium Construction and Maintenance
1st March 2019
Mr. Vinod Gurav Aquarium Construction View
6 2017-18 Workshop on  Sericulture and Hydrophonic Technology for farmers
5th Feb. 2018
Mr. Samir Zanzurne, Mr. V.S. Pawar, Mr. Dilip Jadhav Hydrphonic Technology, Sericulture, Organic Farming View

Student Centered Activities

The main aim behind Student Centered Activity is to empower students to become fully engaged in the college experience and enhance their learning and development. Student-centered learning builds on students’ intuitive understanding of what they need out of their education, creating meaningful learning environments where, research shows, students are engaged and motivated.
The Department of Zoology organizes Student Centered Activities for overall development of students. The classroom teaching of prescribed syllabi certainly provides students with conceptual knowledge and understanding of the topic. However, the student centered activities of the department gives additional values among the students and inculcate required skills in students.

Student Centered Activities

Sr. No. Year Name of the Activity Date Details



National Frog Month

5th March 2024


Trade fair day

29th January 2024


Visit a Zoo Day

28th December 2023


Blood Checkup camp

17th December 2023


SC Madhupush Honey trip

24th August 2023


National Honey bee day

19th August 2023



15th August 2023


Teachers day celebration

5th September 2023


World Mosquito Day

21 thAugust 2023




Students Seminar

29th May 2023


Study Tour at Malwan

20th&21st March 2023


Wallpaper Honey Bee Product

20th August 2022



2021-22 Study Tour at Dapoli and Harne 29th & 30th April 2022 View
Organization of Students Seminar 2 6thApril 2022 View
Arvind Gavali College of Pharmacy 12th March 2022 View
Participation in Avishkar Competition 11th February 2022 View
Bio – revolution’ based on Insect Life Cycle Model Preparation Competition 26th January 2022 View
Study Tour at Ganesh Nursery 22nd January 2022 View
Study Tour : Chimangaon Fish Farm 5th January 2022 View
Organization of Students Seminar 1 3rd & 4th January 2022 View
Departmental Visit:  B. Voc 16th November 2021 View


2020-21 Study Tour: Vermicopmosting Unit and Botanical Garden. D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon Campus 13th March 2021 View
Celebration of World Wildlife Day 6th March 2021 View
Welcome Function of B.Sc. III Students 23th February 2021 View
Organization of Students Seminar 12th January 2021 View


2019-20 Study Tour : Dairy farm and Vermicomposting Unit at Eksal 15th February 2020 View
Poster Presentation on Healthy and Balanced Diet 24th January 2020 View
Organization of Students Seminar 3rd December 2020 View
Study Tour: Sericulture Center , Wai 1st October 2019 View


2018-19 Experimental Learning: Dissection 8th December 2018 View
Educational Tour : Study of various types of Butterflies and its life Cycle 19th August 2018 View
Field Visit: Animal Fauna and Vermicomposting at Eksal 29th January 2019 View
Study Tour at Seema-Biotech Talsande 5th January 2019 View
7 2017-18 Agricultural Exhibition at Satara 23rd & 24th February 2018 View

Extension Activities & Best Practices

The extension activities of Zoology department mainly focus upon the development of the community. There are numerous areas that need to be developed and enhanced and colleges have contributed an imperative role in leading to initiation of programs that are vital for the enhancement of living conditions of the individuals. It aims at developing amongst students a sense of participation in nation building through Social Work. This deepens understanding of the social environment and enriches his/her personality through actual participation in day-to-day life of the society.

From year 2022-23, Department of Zoology started best practice “Health and Wellness”. The objective behind this activity is to support student and faculty health and wellness. Motivate and provide activities that will help to build the required skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle (e.g., fitness classes, fitness challenges). To make staff and students aware of opportunities to improve their health  To Build strong association with various stakeholders who can help facilitate students and staff in health management like Primary health centre, District Medical office, Pharmaceutical companies and doctors of nearby hospitals.

Extention activites

Sr. No. Year Name Of The Activity Date Details
1 2023-24 International Forest Day 20th March2024 View
National Science Day 26th February2024 View
Wallpapaer on Sharadchandraji Pawar 12th December 2023 View
Guppy Fish distribution 14thOctober 2023 View
Guest lecture on Conflict of man and wildlife 6th October 2023 View
Guest lecture on Snake Awareness 7th October 2023 View
2 2022-23 World day of Laboratory Animals 24th April 2023 View
Celebration of World Sparrow Day 23rd March 2023 View
Celebration of World Wildlife Week 2-8 Oct 2022 View
Reintroduction-of-Chittah 14th-September-2022 View
Best Practice Health & Welness 7th-Sepetember-2022 View
Wallpaper Presentation 15th Aug 2022 View
3 2021-22 “Corona Awareness and Mask Donation Activity” 31st December 2021 View
Wallpaper : The fauna : Vulture on the verge of Extinction 6th October 2021 View
4 2020-21 Celebration of World Wildlife Day 5th March 2021 View
4 2019-20 Wallpaper Presentation 15th August 2019 View
5 2018-19 Wallpaper Presentation: Health is Wealth 25th September 2018 View

Best Practice

Sr. No. Year Name Of The Activity Date Details
1 2023-24 Nurturing Birds 2023-24 View
Vulture awareness Program

2th September 2023

National Humming Bird Day 2th September 2023 View
World Shorebird day 6th September 2023 View

Study Material & Question Bank

Study Material And Question Bank

Sr. No. Class Paper Question Bank E- Books



B.Sc. I

Semester I

Paper I View View
Paper II View


B.Sc. I

Semester II

Paper III View View
Paper IV View





B.Sc. II

Semester III

Paper V View View
Paper VI View


B.Sc. II

Semester IV

Paper VII View View
Paper VIII View











Semester V

Paper IX

View View
Paper X View


Paper XI

View View
Paper XII View





Semester VI

Paper XIII

View View
Paper XIV View


Paper XV

View View
Paper XVI View


MoU/ Collaborations


Sr. No. Year Name of the Institute Particulars Details



Dream Foundation , Satara

One Day Workshop


Hindavi Research Center, Satara

Guppy Fish Distribution


Arvind Gavali College of Pharmacy, Satara

Animal Ethics Committee Meeting


2 2022-23 Arvind Gavali College of Pharmacy, Satara Animal Ethics Committee Meeting




3 2021-22 Arvind Gavali College of Pharmacy, Satara Educational Tour
Faculty Exchange
Animal Ethics Committee Member
4 2021-22 Seema Biotech, Talsande, Kolhapur Guest Lecture View
5 2021-22 Shri Ganesh Nursery, Chinchali, Tal. Koregaon Educational Tour View
6 2018-19 Shri Ganesh Nursery, Tal. Chinchali, Koregaon ,Seema Biotech, Talsande, Kolhapur Guest Lecture View
Educational Tour View
7 2017-18 Y.C. Institute of Science, Satara Guest Lecture View
Guest Lecture View
Guest Lecture View


Sr. No. Year Name of the Institute Particulars Details
1 2023-2024 Collaboration-2023-24



2 2022-23 D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon & Department of Forests, Koregaon- Satara Guest Lecture View
World Wild Life Week Celebration View
3 2021-22 Biotech Fish Farm, Chimangaon. Tal. Koregaon Study Tour View
4 2020-21 Deval Honey and Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. Organization of Workshop View
5 2018-19 Deval Honey and Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. Organization of Workshop View

Photo Gallery