About Department

The Department of Marathi is established in 1968. It has been offering UG programme since establishment and PG from academic year 2014-15. Besides it also runs University Grant Commission sponsored Career Oriented Programme i.e. ‘Certificate Course in Journalism and Mass Communication’ approved by Shivaji University Kolhapur. The Short-Term course entitled ‘Writing Skills for Media’ has been proved successful for student placement. The department has good tradition of student achievements in University Merit Scholarships. The department constantly organizes student centered activities for overall development such as organization of Workshops, Guest / Expert Lectures, Wallpaper Publications, Elocution & Essay Competition Field Visit.

The Department contributes in the major activities of the college –

  • Ex-DPians’ Association (Alumni Association)
  • Publication of college magazine ‘Vidyadeep’
  • Wallpaper publications on the occasion of National Importance
  • Publicity of college activities in mass media
  • Publication of college by quarterly ‘DP Times’
  • Collection and transfer of information related to literary movement of the region.
  • Facebook Live Lecture Series with International Resource Persons & Participants.

The Department strives to organize International & National Conferences for faculty Empowerment in Collaboration with Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad, Pune & Shivaji University Marathi Teachers’ Association, Kolhapur.

Faculty (Teaching Staff)

Prof. (Dr.) Chavan Balasaheb Santu

Qualification : M. A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Designation : Professor & Head

Experience: 28 years

Specialization : Folk & Nomadic Literature

View Detailed Profile

Dr. Devanand Govindrao Sontakke

Qualification: M. A., M.Phil., NET.,Ph.D.

Designation: Associate Professor

Experience: 17 Years

Specialization :  Indian Literature & Criticism, Linguistic

View Detailed Profile

Mrs. Sadhana Sukhadev Jadhav

Qualification: M. A., M.ed., SET.

Designation: Associate Professor

Experience: 06 Years

Specialization : Gramin Sahitya

View Detailed Profile

Mr. Mahesh Narayan Awale

Qualification: M. A., SET

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 02 Years

Specialization : Dalit Sahitya

View Detailed Profile

Faculty Details 2022

Sr.No. Name View Details
1 Prof. Dr. Balasaheb Santu Chavan View
2 Dr. Devanand Govindrao Sontakke View
3 Mrs. Sadhana Sukhadev Jadhav View
4 Mr. Mahesh Narayan Awale View
1 Dr. Balasaheb Santu Chavan
2 Dr. Devanand Govindrao Sontakke
3 Mrs. Sadhana Sukhadev Jadhav View
4 Mr. Mahesh Narayan Awale View
1 Dr. Balasaheb Santu Chavan
2 Dr. Sontakke  Govindrao Devanand
3 Mr. Pravin Lalaso Bhosale View
4 Mr. Baliram Doke View
1 Dr. Balasaheb Santu Chavan
2 Dr. Sontakke Govindrao Devanand
3 Miss. Vahida Najir Shaikh View
4 Dr. Gajanan Ravsaheb Apine View
1 Dr. Balasaheb Santu Chavan
2 Mrs. Meera B. Dethe
3 Dr. Dange Dattatray Mahadev View
4 Dr. Vidya Vijay Navadkar View
1 Dr. Balasaheb Santu Chavan
2 Dr. Dange Dattatray Mahadev
3 Dr. Vidya Vijay Navadkar

Research – Project & Publications

Research Projects

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Title of Research Projects Funding Egency Amount Sanction Year  Completion Year
1 Dr. B. S. Chavan भटक्या विमुक्तांच्या आत्मकथनातील स्त्रीजीवनाचे दर्शन UGC 1,20,000 28 /03/ 2014 28/12/2017
2 Dr. D. G. Sontakke भालचंद्र नेमाडे यांची हिंदू कादंबरी आणि त्यांचा साहित्यविचार : परस्परसंबंध   UGC 1,00,000 25/03/2013 13/03/2015
भालचंद्र नेमाडे यांच्या कादंबऱ्यातील संस्कृतीचे चित्रण Ex-DPians’ Association 58,000 15/09/2021 Ongoing
Total Amount 2,60,000

Research Papers & Book Publications

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Total


Journals Books/


Proceedings Journals
Nat. Int. UGC


UGC Approved View
Existing Faculty
1 Dr. B. S. Chavan 20 09 07 04 13 13 View
2 Dr. D. G. Sontakke 11 06 03 02 06 06 View
3 Mrs S. S. Jadhav 02 02 View
4 Dr. V. V. Nawadkar (From 15/06/2011 To 06/07/2019) 06 04 02 04 04 View
Total 39 06 18 09 06 23 23 View

Book Publications :- Dr. B. S. Chavan

Dr. B. S. Chavan

Sr. No. Title of the Book ISBN number Year
1 महाराष्ट्रातील भटका समाज व त्यांच्या साहित्याचे स्वरूप 978-81-924894-0-9 2011
2 महाराष्ट्रातील नंदीवाले समाजाचे अंतरंग 978-81-924894-3-8 2012
3 महाराष्ट्रातील नंदीवाले समाजाच्या साहित्याचे स्वरुप 978-81-924894-2-1 2011
4 नंदीवाले समाजाच्या संकलित लोकसाहित्याचे रसास्वादात्मक विवरण 978-81-924894-1-4 2011
5 डॉ. भीमराव गस्ती यांच्या बेरड या आत्मचरित्राचा वाड्मयीन अभ्यास 978-81-924894-5-4 2012
6 डॉ. भीमराव गस्ती यांच्या आक्रोश या आत्मचरित्राचा वाड्मयीन अभ्यास 978-81-924894-7-8 2013
7 दलित साहित्य वाटचाल व विकास 978-81-924894-4-5 2012

Book Publications :- Dr. D. G. Sontakke

Dr. D. G. Sontakke

Sr. No

Title of the Book Published Year

ISBN/ ISSN number of the proceeding


सामर्थ्याचा स्वर 2001

2 समीक्षेचा अंत:स्वर 2012


कवितेचा अंत:स्वर 2018 978-93-86594-24-2
4 नव्वदोत्तरी मराठी कविता विशेषांक (संपा.) 2017

ISSN 2249-3034


समीक्षेची अपरूपे 2018



साहित्यविचार आणि भालचंद्र नेमाडे यांच्या कादंबऱ्या 2024


Chapter Publications :- Dr. D. G. Sontakke

Dr. D. G. Sontakke

Sr. No

Title of the Chapter Published Year

View Document


Pratibha Kalanirmiti Aani Kalaabhyas 2022


Research Paper Publications


Sr. No. Title of the Paper Journal Issue ISSN Year of Publication View Details
Dr. B. S. Chavan
1 संत नामदेवांच्या ज्ञानेश्वर चरित्रातून वास्तव व अनुभूतीचे चित्रण Power Of Knowledge        ISSN-2320-4494 2017 Shraddha Enterprises, Beed View
2 संत साहित्यातून लोकसंस्कृतीचे दर्शन 2.7286 Power Of Knowledge         ISSN-2320-4494 2017 Shraddha Enterprises, Beed View
3 संत एकनाथ : मध्ययुगीन मराठी साहित्यिक व धर्मरक्षणकर्ता 4.002 Printing Area




Harshwardhan Publication Pvt. Ltd. Beed View
4 नंदीवाले समाजाच्या बोली भाषेतील साहित्याचे स्वरूप शिविम संशोधन पत्रिका




शिवाजी विद्यापीठ मराठी शिक्षक संघ कोल्हापूर View


5 चित्रपटाच्या निर्मिती प्रक्रियेमध्ये कॅम-याचे महत्व 6.261 Research Journey

ISSN -2348 -7143



Swatidhan Internaional Publication , Yeola View
6 भटक्या – विमुक्तांच्या आत्मकथनातील सामाजिक व सांस्कृतिक स्थिती 6.261 Research Journey

ISSN -2348 -7143

2019 Swatidhan Internaional Publication , Yeola View
7 श्रमसंस्कृती आणि भटक्या – विमुक्तांचे साहित्य शिविम संशोधन पत्रिका


2019 शिवाजी विद्यापीठ मराठी शिक्षक संघ कोल्हापूर View
8 आधुनिक कालखंड आणि अस्पृश्यता निवारण Akshar Vagamay

ISSN-2229 -4929

2019 रुक्मेनगर नांदेड View
9 लोकनृत्यातून लोकसंस्कृतीचा आविष्कार


  शिविम संशोधन पत्रिका


2021 शिवाजी विद्यापीठ मराठी शिक्षक संघ कोल्हापूर View
Dr. D. G. Sontakke
1 शालोम ख्रिश्चन मराठी कवितेचे मौलिक संपादन अक्षरगाथा, नांदेड, July-Aug-Sept, 2020 0976-2957, 2020 View
2 स्वातंत्र्योत्तर मराठी कादंबरी नायक संकल्पनेतील बदल अंक, ३६५, मसाप पत्रिका पुणे जाने-मार्च, 2019 2249-3034 2019 View
3 दभिंची अर्वाचीन काव्यसमीक्षा कविता – रती, धुळे


Nov-Dec, 2019 2278-9243 2019 View
4 सर्जनशीलतेच्या धडपडीची तगमग : कदाचित अजूनही सर्वधारा, (CARE Listed) Jane-June, 2020 2249-3034 2020 View
5 मोर : सौंदर्याचे मिथक आणि वासनेचे प्रतीक सर्वधारा, (CARE Listed) जुलै-ऑग-सप्टेंबर 2249-3034 2021 View
6 दभि: सहवासाचे जंतरमंतर अक्षरवाङ्मय, नांदेड, Jane-Feb-March, 2229-4929 2022 View
  Mrs. S. S. Jadhav  
1 कृष्णाजी पांडुरंग कुलकर्णी यांचे समग्र साहित्य


Maharashtra Sahitya Patrika 2249-3034 2021 View
2 बदलत्या विश्वाचे मराठी साहित्य जगतावर झालेले परिणाम Knowledge Research Journal 2231-1629 2021 View
  Dr. V. V. Nawadkar  
1. Sanshodhanachya Virodhati Prabhavi Avishkar Vyakt Karnari kavita International Seminar Proceeding 978-81-927095-1-2 2017 View
2. Marathi Stambhalekhanachi Parampra Research Front 987-41-75-9853-9-7 2018 View
3. Samajik Abhisarnacha Mukta Avishakar Tal Dhavltana Universal Reasearch Journal 2229-4406 2019 View

Research Paper & Journals

Sr. No.

Name of the Faculty Title of the Paper/Journals

View Details


Dr. Dange Dattatray Mahadev Shivim Sanshodhan Patrika View
Contemooratary Reserch


Sant Sahityachi Sarvkalikta


Dr. Dange Dattatray Mahadev



Dr. Devanand Govindrao Sontakke UGC CARE Listed Journals Edited by Faculty View
Shvim Sanshodhan Patrika


Papers Published in International Proceedings

Dr. D. G. Sontakke

Sr.No. Title of paper Name of Journal Publish


ISSN number


1 जागतिकीकरण आणि स्त्रीवादापुढील आव्हाने C. S. Shendure College, Hupari  Conference proceeding 4,5 Dec. 2015 ISBN-978-93-81549-93-3 Yes
2 उत्तर आधुनिकता आणि नव्वदोत्तरी आंबेडकरी कविता रयतमाउली, आंतरराष्ट्रीय चर्चासत्र प्रोसेडिंग April, 2017 ISBN-978-81-921752-8-7 Yes
3 आर्थिक विषमता, आणि मराठीतील कामगार कविता Akshar Wangmay 20, Dec. 2019 ISSN 2229-4929 Yes

Editing Work for Research Proceeding

Dr. B. S. Chavan

Sr.No. Title of Proceeding Impact Factor Name of Journal & ISSN-ISBN No Name of Publication



भटक्या – विमुक्तांच्या श्रमसंस्कृतीचे कला व साहित्यातील प्रतिबिंब

( खंड – B )

6.261 Research Journey        ISSN – 2348 -7143 Swatidhan International Publication, Yeola Nashik

भटक्या – विमुक्तांच्या श्रमसंस्कृतीचे कला व साहित्यातील प्रतिबिंब

( खंड – C )

6.261 Research Journey        ISSN – 2348 -7143 Swatidhan International Publication, Yeola Nashik
3 जागतिक परिप्रेक्ष्यातून शोषितांचे साहित्य 978-81-927095-1-2 Suman Enterprises, Satara
4 भटक्या – विमुक्तांची आत्मकथने : एक वाड्मयीन अभ्यास 987-41-759853-9-7 Abhishek printing Press, Satara
5 लोकदैवत                  —— Gajanan printing Press, Satara


The Department of Marathi runs courses to develops Soft Skills, Language communication and writing skills for employability, mainly to build confidence among the rural students. These courses become helpful for such students fetching jobs in the corporate world.

Faculty Achievements

Sr. No.

Name of the Faculty

View Details
1 Dr. B. S. Chavan View

Dr. D. G. Sontakke

3 Prof. S. S. Jadhav View
4 Prof. M. N. Awale View


Students Achievements

Year Name of the Candidate Merrit Rank  Name of the University Date/ Duration View Details


Tushar Prabhakar Mahajan 5th Shivaji University Kolhapur 28/04/2021  


Amar Raysing Sawant 10th Shivaji University Kolhapur 28/04/2021
2021-22 Mayuri Santosh Jadhav Savitribai Phule pune University, Pune 17/06/2022 View

Students Placements

Year Name & Address of the Candidate Name of the Company Name of Post Date/ Duration View Details
2022-23 Ashok Dattatray Pawar – Pawar – At. Tisangi, Po. Sonake, Tal. Pandharpur, Dist. Solapur. All Media Press Association State Treasurer of Maharashtra




Kiran Tanaji Sanas Press Shop 06/05/2022 View
2021-22 Ashok Dattatray Pawar – At. Tisangi, Po. Sonake, Tal. Pandharpur, Dist. Solapur. News of Maharashtra Main Sampadak  




2020-21 Rohit Vishwanath Gaikwad Ujjivan Small Finance Bank, Contractual Staff View
2019-20 Akshay Prakash Shirke – A/P Tadawale, Tal Koregaon, Dist. Satara. Manas Industries, Satara. Operater  


2018-19 Vishal Sanjay Tupe Kokan Railway Carporation Limited E.S.T.M.  III  




Sagar S. Botalaji Mumbai Police Police Constable 05/12/2010 View

Syllabus & Workload

D.P. Bhosale College, Koregaon is an affiliated college to Shivaji University, Kolhapur (MS). The Department of Marathi follows syllabi of the courses framed by Board of Studies in Marathi of the said university. Syllabus is as follows:


Sr. No.

Class Title of the Course

View Details

Under Graduate


B.A.I Compulsory Marathi -A & B



B.A.I Opt. Marathi -P- I & II View
3 B.A.II Marathi – P-III & IV



B.A.III Marathi – P-VII to XVI


Post Graduate


M. A. I Marathi – P-I to VIII



M. A. II Marathi – P-IX to XVI



Short Term Course

The Department of Marathi runs the Short-Term Course ‘Writing Skills for Media’. The Department runs this course to develop Writing Skills of Media such as, Electronics & print media for employability. This course encourages students to fetch jobs in the Government & corporate Sector. It helps students to get job opportunity in script writing for short films, Radio and social media.


  • To develop communication & writing skills of the students in Marathi
  • To make students aware about the history of Indian Journalism.
  • To understand the nature and importance of print media
  • To understand the nature and importance of electronic media
  • To develop basic skills of radio and Television sector.


Sr. No. Year View Details


2023-24 View


2022-23 View
3 2021-22



2020-21 View
5 2019-20



2018-19 View
7 2017-18


Career Oriented Course

The Department of Marathi runs University Grant Commission sponsored Career Oriented Course ‘Certificate Course in Journalism and Mass Communication’ approved by Shivaji University Kolhapur. The Department runs this course to develops Soft Skills of Mass communication, writing and communication skills for Electronics & print media for employability. This course encourages students to fetch jobs in the Government & corporate Sector.


  • To introduce student communication & writing skills in Marathi
  • To increase the confidence level of students for Maas Communication
  • To train the students for employability in Government & corporate Sector
  • To inculcate soft skills among the students for Print & Electronic Media


Sr. No. Year View Details


2022-23 View
2 2021-22



2020-21 View
4 2019-20



2018-19 View
6 2017-18


Academic Calendar & Time Table

The Department of Marathi prepares Departmental Academic Calendar and Time-Table. Following the General Academic Calendar of the college, designed by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and General Time-Table prepared By Time-Table Committee every year.

The well- designed Academic Calendar and Time-Table of the department help to conduct Academic, Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities smoothly and effectively.


Sr. No.

Year Title of the Course

View Details


2024-25 Academic Calendar View



2023-24 Academic Calendar View



2022-23 Academic Calendar View



2021-22 Academic Calendar View



2020-21 Academic Calendar View



2019-20 Academic Calendar View



2018-19 Academic Calendar View



2017-18 Academic Calendar View


Guest Lectures, Expert Lectures

The Department of Marathi organized Guest Lectures of the eminent Resource Persons to exchange the resourceful faculty and exploit their expertise in the topics; such as Competitive Examination, Marathi Language & Literature etc. Besides, these expert talks we organized guest lectures on the radical work and contribution of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Kusumagraj & B. C. Mardhekar, on the occasion of Marathi Bhasha Gaurav Din & Marathi Bhasha Sanvardhan Pandharwada. The objective of these Guest Lectures is to create awareness of Marathi Bhasha, Research, Competitive Examinations.

Sr. No. Year Topic of the Lecture Guest Date View Details
1 2022-23 अशी सुचते कविता कवी इंद्रजित घुले 27/02/2023 View
2 2021-22 डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर व आधुनिक भारत डॉ. शरद गायकवाड 13/04/2022 View
कवितेचे देणे : कवी चंद्रकांत पोतदार कवी चंद्रकांत पोतदार 03/03/2022 View
3 2020-21 संशोधन पत्रिका  व निर्मिती डॉ. डी. जे. ओव्हाळे 21/08/2020 View
काव्यनिर्मितिप्रक्रिया प्रा. कांताताई भोसले 21/09/2020 View
स्पर्धा परीक्षा प्रा. किरण पवार 04/03/2021 View
4 2019-20 संशोधन पद्धती अभय कांता 19/09/2019 View
कवितेच्या प्रदेशात श्रीनिवास वारुंजीकर 27/02/2020 View
मराठी कविता : आस्वाद आणि सादरीकरण कवी, शंकर भिकू भोसले 22/02/2020 View
5 2018-19 स्पर्धा परीक्षा मार्गदर्शन डॉ. विद्या नावडकर 17/01/2019 View
संशोधन पत्रिका : निर्मिति व मार्गदर्शन यशेंद्र क्षीरसागर 31/10/2018 View
6 2017-18 स्पर्धा परीक्षा मार्गदर्शन डॉ. व्ही. व्ही. पाडळकर 01/07/2018 View
स्पर्धा परीक्षेतील पदे भूषण अहिरे 24/07/2017
स्पर्धा परीक्षा अभ्यासक्रम स्वरूप संजय पाटील 26/07/2017
स्पर्धा परीक्षा तयारी विश्वांजली गायकवाड 28/07/2017

Workshops & Conferences

The Department of Marathi organizes Conferences, Workshops and Seminars. We organized two Days an International Conferences on, ‘Bhatkya Vimuktanchya Shramsanskrutiche Kala ani Sahityatil Pratibimb’(The Reflection of Work-Culture of the Gypsy & Liberated Tribes in Art & Literature) on 1st April, 2019. Seminars and 5 Workshops since the Academic Year 2017-18.

Seminars & Workshops

Sr. No. Year Title of the Workshop Resource Person Topic of the Lecture Date View Details
1 2023-24 मराठी – हिंदी भाषा आणि रोजगाराच्या संधी मराठी – हिंदी भाषा आणि रोजगाराच्या संधी 28/12/23 View
2 2022-23 एक दिवसीय आंतरविद्याशाखीय मराठी राष्ट्रीय चर्चासत्राचे आयोजन लोकसंस्कृतीच्या उपासकांचे सांस्कृतिक , सामाजिक व वाङ्मयीन
21/11/2022 View
3 2021-22

डिजिटल माध्यमातील करिअरच्या संधी

डिजिटल माध्यमातील करिअरच्या संधी

Madhusudan Pataki, Journalist, Pune डिजिटल माध्यमे आणि करिअरच्या संधी 19/04/2022 View
Mr. Rajendra Wagh, Daily Sakal प्रिंट माध्यमातील करिअर संधी
4 2020-21 सर्जनशील लेखन ऑनलाईन कार्यशाळा Dr. Uday Jadhav, Bos Member Shivaji Uni. सर्जनशील लेखन कसे करावे 02/02/2021 View
5 2019-20 विकिपीडियावर कसे लिहावे Dr. Devanand Sontakke विकिपीडिया नोंदी आणि संपादन 02/01/2020 View
6 2018-19 भटक्या विमुक्तांच्या श्रमसंस्कृतीचे कला व साहित्यातील प्रतिबिंब Dr. Suvarana Rawal भटक्या विमुक्तांची श्रमसंस्कृती व कलेचे स्वरूप 01/04/2019 View
उद्योजकता परिचय : कार्यशाळा Dilip Prabhune

Incomm, Satara

उद्योजक कसे बनावे 02/01/2019 View
7 2017-18 अग्रणी महाविद्यालय कार्यशाळा Dr. Mlahari Masalakhamb सुंभ आणि पीळ 08/12/2017 View


Dr. Abasaheb Umap दलित साहित्य संकल्पना व स्वरूप
Dr. Mansi Latkar सुंभ आणि पीळ

International Conference

Year Title of the Conference No. of Resource Persons No. of Foreign Delegates No. of Research Papers No. of Participant Teachers View Details
2018-19 Bhatkya Vimuktanchya Shramsanskrutiche Kala ani Sahityatil Pratibimb 08 07 48 99



Year Title of the Conference Resource Person Topic of the Lecture View Details
2018-19 Bhatkya Vimuktanchya Shramsanskrutiche Kala ani Sahityatil Pratibimb Alina Istoc Bucharest University, Romania Inaugural Address View
Prin. Dr. Suvarna Rawal, President, Maharashtra State Commission for Gypsy & Liberated Tribes Key-Note Address
Prof. P. Kannan Registrar, Davangere University, Davangere, Karnataka Subaltern Discourse
Prof. Kiran S. N. Department of Studies & Research in English, Tumkur University, Tumkur, Karnataka Rethinking Tribal and Adivasi Subjectivity
Dr. Pramod Garode, Bharati Mahavidyalay, Amaravati भटक्या विमुक्तांच्या कलांचे प्रकार व स्वरूप

Student Centered Activities

Student Centered Activities

The Department of Marathi organizes Student Centered Activities for overall development of students. These activities include-  

Year Type/Name of Activity Date/ Duration View Details
2024-25 Independence Day 15/08/2024 View
Annabhau Sathe Jayanti 01/08/2024 View
2023-24 Online Lecture – Marathi Bhasha Din 29/02/2024 View
Marathi Rajbhasha Gaourav Din Bhittipatrak 27/02/2024 View
aatmpamflet final report 13/02/2024 View
Republic day Bhittipatrak 26/01/2024 View
Report Trade Fair Day 11/01/2024 View
मला भावलेली कविता 11/01/2024 View
मराठी भाषा संवर्धन पंधरवडा 09/01/2024 View
Vijay din – Bhittipatrak 16/12/2023 View
शरद पवार वाढदिसानिमित्त निबंध स्पर्धा 15/12/2023 View
Karmaveer Jayanti -Marathi Elocution & Essay Competitions 25/09/2023 View
Teacher Day 05/09/2023 View
2022-23 Publication of Wall -Papers 15/08/2022 View
22/09/2022 View
Participation in workshop – Satara 06/09/2022 View
Teacher Day – Students Teaching 05/09/2022 View
Karmavir Jayanti Marathi Vaktrutv Spardha 19/09/2022 View
Karmavir Jayanti Marathi Nibandh Spardha 19/09/2022 View
Diagnostic Test for Advance & slow Learners (online) 03/09/2022 View
2021-22 Avishkar Research Participation 09/02/2022 View
Publication of Wall-Papers 26/01/2022 View
Publication of Wall-Papers 19/04/2022 View
Trade Fair Day 20/04/2022 View
Online Quiz Competitions 27/01/2022 View
Research Papers Sem V & I, III View
Group Projects Sem VI & II, IV View
2020-21 Language Consultancy Service Activity 22/11/2020 View
Language Consultancy Service Activity 23/11/2020 View
Publication of Wall-Papers 26/01/2021 View
Publication of Wall-Paper 22/09/2020 View
Publication of Wall-Paper 06/10/2021 View
सुखदेव ढाणके अमृत महोत्सव ऑनलाईन प्रकाशन 15/09/2021 View
2019-20 Consultancy Activity 20/09/2019 View
Wallpaper Activity 27/02/2020 View
2018-19 Group Projects Sem Vi& Sem II View
Publication of Wall-Papers 26/01/2019 View
2017-18 Group Projects Sem Vi& Sem II View

Extension Activities & Best Practices

The Department of Marathi organizes various Extension Activities. These activities are student-centred activities for overall development of the students, such as organization of Field Visit and Study Tours.


  • To develops the overall personality of the students
  • To develops language competency among students
  • To understand nature, culture, history and life style of the people
  • To create awareness and ability of Marathi grammar Teaching and learning
Year Type/Name of Activity Date View Details
2022-23 Field Visit – Shivaji College Satara 06/09/2022 View
2021-22 Field Visit- Reshim Udyog Gojegaon 07/01/2-22 View
2020-21 Visit to Writer’s House-N. H. Apate 14/03/2021 View
Language Consultancy Service Activity 22/11/2020 View
Language Consultancy Service Activity 23/11/2020 View
2019-20 Consultancy Activity 20/09/2019 View
Study Tour – Ratnagiri 07/02/2020 View
2018-19 Book Fair Visit – Satara 04/01/2019 View
2017-18 Book Fair Visit – Satara 05/02/2018 View

Study Material & Question Bank

Study Material & Question Bank

Sr. No. Class Title of the Course View Details

Under Graduate

1 B.A.I Compulsory Marathi -A & B View
2 B.A.I Opt. Marathi -P- I & II View
3 B.A. II Marathi – P-III & IV View
Marathi – P-IV View
4 B.A.III Marathi – P-VII View
Marathi – P-VIII View
Marathi – P-XI View
Marathi – P-X View
Marathi – P-XI View

Post Graduate

5 M. A. I Marathi – P-I View
Marathi – P-II View
Marathi – P-III View
Marathi – P-IV View
6 M. A. II Marathi – P-IX View
Marathi – P-X View
Marathi – P-XI View
Marathi – P-XII View

MoU/ Linkages/ Collaborations

The Department of Marathi has five years’ active MoUs with

Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad, Pune

Shivaji University Marathi Teachers’ Association, Kolhapur.

We organize Guest Lectures, Faculty Exchange as Resource Persons, Students Exchange Programme, Workshops and Quiz Competitions regularly.


Year Activity Resource Person Date No. of Beneficiary View Details
2022-23 View
2021-22 Faculty Expert in Seminar at Balwant College Vita organize by Shivaji University Marathi Teachers’ Association, Kolhapur. Dr. D. G. Sontakke 26/03/2022 60 View

Jointly organize Guest Lecture with Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad –

‘मराठी आणि जर्मन : संस्कृती आणि भाषा’

शिल्पा गडमडे 28/02/2021 785 View

Jointly organize Guest Lecture with Shivaji University Marathi Teachers’ Association, Kolhapur

‘शोध मर्ढेकरांच्या स्मारकाचा आणि कवितेचा’



20/03/2022 630 View
Jointly organize Field Visit to Writer House N. H. Apate 14/03/2021 36 View

Jointly organize International Seminar with Shivaji University Marathi Teachers’ Association, Kolhapur

1,2 April, 2019 View

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