About Department

Botany has been an inseparable part of human beings and is highly associated with our day-to-day life. Education in Botany not only facilitates the students to get familiar with the principles of Life Science, Health Science, Agriculture, and Environment but also develops a foundation for higher education. Students can not only pursue post-graduate courses in all branches of life sciences, but makes them eligible to join up for various courses like MBA, MBA (Biotechnology), State/ Central Forest Services, Research, self-employment such as Green-House Management, Nurseries, Plant Tissue Culture Laboratories etc.

The Department of Botany was established in June 1968. The department primarily runs the undergraduate courses in Botany with the support of a single permanent staff, four grantable temporary faculty members (all Ph. D.) and two non – teaching members (1 lab assistant and 1 lab attendant). The faculties are highly qualified with diverse research interests, and are devoted to their subject giving encouraging environment to all the students.

The objective of the Department of Botany has been to bestow quality education to students. The atmosphere of the department is always student-centric and healthy. The department is committed to upskill the students through multifarious curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities throughout the year. The department intends to recognize the potential of every student and develop his/her abilities and accordingly enhance their technical and critical thinking skills necessary for success in the field. The Botany department has been approved to conduct a skill enhancement course (SEC) in Sustainable Agriculture. The department conduct Short Term Course in Cultivation and Conservation of Medicinal Plants which help to inculcate knowledge about medicinal plants their role and conservation. The department has well equipped laboratory with LCD, rich in study materials like books, well-maintained collection and display of botanical specimens, charts, permanent slides, binocular light microscope, digital calorimeter, microtome machine, laminar air flow, dissecting and compound microscopes, etc.

The Department of Botany organizes field visits, study tours, undertake case studies and projects on syllabus related topics. The department has established Medicinal Plants Information Centre with display of several medicinal plants along with detailed information. The Department of Botany has developed a botanical garden in the premises that enhances the beauty of the college campus. The plants are well labelled with their botanical and common names (in Marathi).

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Faculty (Teaching Staff)


Sr. No. Year Name View Details
  2022-23 Dr. Swapnaja Mukund Deshpande  View 
Dr. Reshma B. Patil  View 
Dr. Saurabha B. Zimare  View 
Dr. Prachi S Kakade  View 
Dr. Pratima P. Kamble  View 
2 2021-22 Dr. Swapnaja Mukund Deshpande  View 
Dr. Reshma B. Patil  View 
Dr.Uday A.Desai  View 
Dr. Suvarta S. Patil  View 
Dr. Pratima P. Kamble  View 
  2020-21 Dr. Shankar M. Shendage  View 
Miss. Rutuja P. Bhosale  View 
Dr. Pramod Raghunath Lawand  View 
4      2019-20 Dr. Shankar M. Shendage  View 
Dr. Suhas K. Kamble  View 
Dr. Kamalakar H.  Patil  View 
Miss Savita B. Patil  View 
Miss. Rutuja P. Bhosale  View 
  2018-19 Dr. Anil A. Jagtap  View 
Miss. Rutuja P. Bhosale  View 
Miss Savita B. Patil  View 
  2017-18 Dr. Basavaraj A. Kore  View 
Dr. Anil A. Jagtap  View 

Awards Received By Faculties From 2017-2023

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Awards View Details
1 Dr. S. M. Deshpande JRF under MoEF sponsored Lead Botanical Garden Project at Department of Botany, Shivaji University, Kolhapur View
SSI at Department of Agronomy, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli under ICAR – AICRP project on Weed Surveillance View
Appointed as Reviewer for Science Publishing Group Journal of Plant Sciences View
Best Reader Award at YCIS Satara (2018) View
2 Dr. S. M. Shendage Best Researcher Award in “4th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine View
3 Dr. S. B. Zimare National DST-PURSE fellowship Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, 2010 View
State Best poster presentation Science, Arts and 2012
award Commerce College, Sonai, Ahmednagar.
National UGC-BSR fellowship University Grant Commission, Govt. of India, 2013 View
State Gold Medal” for Best Ph.D. Thesis Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, 2018 View
4 Dr. P. S. Kakade National UGC-BSR Research Fellowship in Sciences to Meritorious students University Grant Commission (UGC) scheme, Government of India, 2012-13 View
National Women Scientist Scheme A (WOS-A) Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, 2013 View
5 Dr. R. B. Patil Awarded by “Shivaji University Merit Scholarship 2011 (M.Sc. I-Botany)” View
Awarded by “Dr. G.V. Joshi Gold Medal” for standing First in M.Sc. Botany Shivaji   University, Kolhapur, 2012 View
6 Dr. Kamble S.K. First prize winner in “AVISHKAR” competition organized by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s S. M. Joshi College, Hadapsar, Pune, November, 2017 View
First prize winner in “AVISHKAR” competition organized by Shivaji University, Kolhapur, 2017-18 View
Awarded by Prof. Dr. T. M. Patil Prize at the M. Sc. in Shivaji University, Kolhapur. (April, 2011) View

Dr. Swapnaja Mukund Deshpande

Qualification: : M.Sc. Ph.D.

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 09 Years

Specialization: Taxonomy of Angiosperms

View Detailed Profile

Mr. Shubham Vinayak Thigale

Qualification: M.Sc. SET

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 01 Years

Specialization: Plant Diversity

View Detailed Profile


Mrs. Supriya Sachin Shinde 

Qualification: M.Sc.

Designation: Assistant Professor

Experience: 04 Years

Specialization: Plant Protection

View Detailed Profile

Non Teaching Staff


Mr. Shrinivas V. Makhare

Qualification: H. Sc.

Designation: Laboratory Assistant

Experience: 19 Years

Mr. Sanjay M. Sanas

Qualification: B. A.

Designation: Laboratory Attendant

Experience: 30Years

Research – Project & Publications


Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Title of the Project Funding Agency Amount Sanctioned Year Status
1 Dr. S. M. Shendage Assessment of angiosperm diversity of Lateritic Plateaus of Konkan UGC 1,50,000/- 2015 Completed
2 Dr. S. M. Shendage Assistance for improvement of infrastructural facilities in botanical garden in view of ex situ conservation of endangered, endemic, rare and medicinal plants Balawant College, Vita 2012 Completed
3 Dr. S. M. Deshpande “Floristic Account of Meruling Hill with Special Emphasis On Endemic And Wild Plants Of Ornamental Potential” D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon 90,000/- 2022 Completed
4 Dr. S. M. Deshpande Study of Floral Diversity of Sacred groves of Satara District RAC, YCIS, Satara 20,000/- 2018 Completed

Research Publication

Sr. No. Title of the Research paper / Book chapter Name of the Journal Authors Year of Publications View File
Dr. B. A. Kore
1. Biochemical changes during gall formation in Mango (Mangifera indica Linn.) leaves Geobios Kore B.A., Chavan P. D. 1990 View
2. Mineral Composition in response to herbicidal treatment of Diquat and Paraquat in Parthenium hysterophorus Bioinfolet Kore B.A., Kadam D. A. 2006 View
3. Erythrina gall wasp Quadrastichus erythrinae Current Science B. A. Kore 2006 View
4. Studies on Coprophilous Fungi Bioinfolet Thoke R. B., Kore B. A., Nair L. N. 2007 View
5. Ant fauna of the Y.C. Institute, Satara campus-survey and some Preliminary observations. Bioinfolet Kore B.A. 2007 View
6. Seed mycoflora of ground nut (Arachis hypogea) Bioinfolet Deepali Sabale, R. B. Thoke and B. A. Kore 2008 View
7. Occurrence of Alternaria Blight on Phyllody of Parthenium hysterophorus Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology Kore B.A. 2009 View
8. Survey of plant and animal wealth of India Current Science Kore B.A. 2010 View
9. Eriocaulon sedgwickii Fyson- A new Host of Curvularia eragrostidis (P. Henn.) J. A. Meyer: The First Report Plant Sciences Feed Kore B.A. 2012 View
10. Liverworts and Hornworts of Kas Plateau The Bioscan Bagwan S. A., Kore B.A. 2012 View
11. Element profile of some plants used in Traditional Medicine International journal of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Burungale, A. S., Shinde B. S.,   Thite S.V., Kore B. A., Aparadh V. T. 2013 View
12. Effect of Powdery Mildew infection on DPPH Radical Scavenging activity and Ferric-Reducing antioxidant power of plants World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Thite S.V., Aparadh V. T ., Kore B.A. 2013 View
13. Qualitative analysis of Secondary Metabolites from some Filicales Members International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Chemistry Patil, DT, Gaurav KD., Kadam AS, Thoke RB. Thite S.V., Kore B.A. 2013 View
14. Effect of Powdery Mildew Infection on Mineral Status of Dalbergia sisso Roxb. Ex DC. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Thite S.V., Kore B.A., Aparadh V. T. 2013 View
15. Phytochemical analysis of some weeds The Global journal of pharmaceutical research Chavan, Y. R., Thite S.V., Kore B.A., Aparadh V. T. 2013 View
16. Incidence of Illeis cincta (Fabricius) on Powdery Mildew of Dalbergia sisso and Xanthium strumarium International Journal of Advanced Research Chavan, Y. R., Thite S.V., Kore B.A., Aparadh V. T. 2013 View
17. Preliminary Investigation of various Secondary Metabolites from Some Gymnosperm species International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Chemistry Gurav, K. D., Shinde B. S.,   Thite S.V., Kore B. A., Aparadh V. T. 2013 View
18. Quantification of Minerals in some members of Family Asteraceae World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Chavan, Y. R., Thite S.V., Kore B.A., Aparadh V. T. 2014 View
19. Comparative Mineral uptake potential of some exotic weeds from family Asteraceae


International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Chavan, Y. R., Thite S.V., Kore B.A., Aparadh V. T. 2014 View
20. First Report of Powdery mildew of Polyscias cuminngiana caused by Pseudoidium sp. India Plant Pathology and Quarantine Thite S.V., Kore B.A. 2014 View
21. First report of Powdery mildew caused by Golovinomyces sp. On the exotic ornamental plant Solidago canadensis Journal of Threatened taxa Thite S.V., Kore B.A. 2014 View
22. Occurrence of Vivipary in Memecylon umbellatum Burn. National Academy of Science Letters Thite S.V., Hande P.R. and Kore B.A. 2015 View
23. Species diversity of genus Riccia in Satara district (Maharashtra) India Plant Science Today Bagwan S. A., Kore B.A. 2015 View
24. Occurrence of Neochetina bruchi Hustache A biocontrol agent of Eichhornia crassipes (Martius.) solm in Satara, Maharashtra. Zoo’s Print Thite S.V., Kadam, A. S. and Kore B.A. 2015 View
25. Availability of mineral elements in an exotic weed Alternaria tenella colla var. tenella Veldk. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research R. B. Patil and B. A. Kore 2015 View
26. Occurrence of Rust Solidago candadensis, a new host record for Coleosporium asterum from India Plant Pathology and Quarantine Thite S.V., Hande P.R. and Kore B. A. 2016 View
27. First Report of Coleosporium sp. on Clematis gouriana in India Plant Pathology and Quarantine Thite S.V., Hande P.R. and Kore B. A. 2016 View
Dr. Patil K. H.
1. Dolichandrone spathacea (L. F.) K. Schum: A threatened biological entity on the coast of Maharashtra World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Patil K. H., Toro S. V., Gokhale M. H., Chavan, N. S. 2015 View
2. Additional information on the threatened Cryptocoryne cognata Schott. (Araceae): A need for reassessment of the IUCN red list status Journal of Threatened Taxa S. V. Kambhar, M. R. Bhise, M. M. Naik, A. L. Parab, K. H. Patil, A. P. Tawade, V. K. Patil, A. D. Rane, S. S. Narkhede, and S. G. Bhave 2015 View
Dr. Kamble S. K.
1. Assessment of Solvent solubilities by using Phytochemical screen tests of some Euphorbiaceae members Pharmaceutical Research Madane A. N., Kamble, S. K., Patil, B. J. & Aparadh V. T. 2013 View
2. Hybanthus stellaroides (Domin) P. I. Frost. (Violaceae), a new distributional record for Maharashtra Zoo’s Print Suhas Kamble, Umesh Pawar, Atul Madane & Bhimrao Patil 2014 View
3. Inhibitory effect of some plant extracts against Urediospore germination of Uromyces ciceris-arientini (Grognot) Jacz. & Boyer International Journal of Research in Plant Science Suhas Kamble & Bhimrao Patil 2014 View
4. Inhibitory effect of Leaf extracts on spore germination of Puccinia arachidis Speg. World Journal of Microbiology Suhas Kamble & Bhimrao Patil 2015 View
5. Afrohybanthus indicus (Violaceae): a new species from Maharashtra, India Phytotaxa Suhas Kamble, Paul Forster & Bhimrao Patil 2016 View
6. Antifungal activity of some plant extracts on spore germination of Uromyces vignae Barclay Bionano Frontier B. J. Patil & S. K. Kamble 2015 View
Dr. Shendage S. M.
1. Pollen morphology of Barleria L. (Acanthaceae) from India Phytomorphology Shendage S. M. & Yadav S. R. 2009 View
2. Revision of Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India Rheedea S. M. Shendage & S. R. Yadav 2010 View
3. Ceropegia bhatii a new species of Apocyanaceae: Ceropegieae  from Karnataka India Kew Bulletin S. M. Shendage & S. R. Yadav 2010 View
Dr. S. M. Deshpande
1. Karyomorphological Analysis of Arisaema sahyadricum (Section: Tortuosa): an Endemic Aroid from Western Ghats of India. Aroideana K. V. C. Gosavi, S. M. Deshpande and S. R. Yadav 2012 View
2. Karyomorphology of two species of the genus Tricholepis endemic to India. Cytologia S. M. Deshpande, K. V. C. Gosavi and S. R. Yadav. 2014 View
3. Lectotypification of Moringa concanensis (Moringaceae) Rheedea S. M. Deshpande, A. R. Gholave, S. S. Kamble, S. R. Yadav 2014 View
Dr. Desai U. A.
1. Preliminary observations of Charophytes from Kolhapur district Giobios Desai U. A., Karande C. T. 2009 View
2. Effect of Passage on the development of Benomyl resistance on Fusarium nudum (Butler) causing wilt in Pigeonpea International Journal of Research in Botany (IJBR) Desai U. A., Andhoji, Y. S., Mali, A. M. & Kamble S. S. 2015 View
3. Influence of temperature and different culture media on growth of Fusarium nudum (Butler), causal organism of Wilt of Pigeon pea International Journal of Research in Botany (IJBR) Desai U. A., Andhoji, Y. S., & Kamble S. S. 2016 View
Dr. S. B. Zimare
1. Production of hyoscyamine and scopolamine using stress in Datura metel L. Biotechnology: An Indian Journal Saurabha B Zimare, Nutan P Malpathak 2011 View
2. High frequency of multiple shoot induction in Datura metel L. using different concentrations of BAP. International Journal of Current Research Saurabha B Zimare, Nutan P Malpathak 2011 View
3. A comparative

pharmacognostic study on the leaf, stem and root components of Gymnema sylvestre

(Retz) R. Br. ex. Sm.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B:

Biological Sciences

Ganesh C Nikalje, Saurabha B Zimare, Nutan. P. Malpathak 2013 View
4. Effect of AM fungi (Gf, Gm) on biomass and gymnemic acid content of Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br. ex Sm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B:

Biological Sciences

Saurabha B Zimare, Mahesh Borde, Paramjit Kaur Jite, Nutan P Malpathak 2013 View
5. In vitro multiple shoot and gymnemic acid production in Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br. ex. Sm. Indian Journal of Biotechnology Saurabha B Zimare, Nutan P Malpathak 2016 View
Dr. Kakade P. S.
1. Quality analysis of commercial honeys in Indian Market. International Journal of Current Research Kakade P. S. and Deokule S. S. 2011 View
Dr. R. B. Patil
1. Availability of mineral elements in an exotic weed Alternaria tenella colla var. tenella Veldk. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research R. B. Patil and B. A. Kore 2015 View

Research Publication Since 2017

Sr. No. Title of the Research paper / Book chapter Name of the Journal Authors Year of Publications View File
Dr. B. A. Kore 
1. First Report of Powdery Mildew Caused by Erysiphe quecicola on Acacia auriculiformis India Plant Disease Thite S.V., Kore B.A., Camacho-Tapia, Tovar-Pedraza 2017 View
2. First Report of Podospaera xanthi causing Powdery Mildew on Ageratum conyzoides in India Journal of Plant Pathology Thite S.V., Kore B.A., Camacho-Tapia, Tovar-Pedraza 2017 View
3. Addition to Genus Riccia from Maharashtra Recent Status of Cryptogams in India Kore B.A., Bagwan, S. A. 2017 View
4. First Report of Podosphaera xanthi causing Powdery Mildew on Xanthium Strumarium in India Journal of Plant Pathology Thite S.V., Kore B.A., Camacho-Tapia, Tovar-Pedraza 2018 View
5. First Report of Rust fungi Puccinia duthiae on Dichanthium foveolatum from India Journal of Threatened Taxa Pawar, S.D., Thite S.V., Kadam, A. S. and Kore B.A. 2018 View
6. Seed germination response of an invasive weed Alternanthera ficoidea to temperature and salinity stress Indian Journal of Weed Science R. B. Patil and B. A. Kore 2019 View
7. Phytoconstituents, pigments, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry analysis and allelopathy effect of Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P. Beauv. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research R. B. Patil and B. A. Kore 2017 View
8. Potential of Invasive Weed Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P. Beauv. As Resource of Antioxidants International Journal of Research and Reviews Patil R. B. & Kore B. A. 2019 View
9. Morphology, phenology and Palynology of an invasive weed Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P. Beauv. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences Patil R. B. & Kore B. A. 2018 View
10. Book Chapter:

Review of Literature on Weeds, Aquatic Weeds and their Sustainable Management

Eco Survival Patil R. B. & Kore B. A. 2019 View
Dr. S. M. Shendage
1. Study and synthesis of Jasminum officinale leaves, herbal, economical and effective alternative for synthetic indicator Vivek Research e – journal P. U. Kadam, N. P. Jadhav, A. D. Ghadage, A. S. Sartape & S. M. Shendage 2020 View
2. Eleocharis equisetina C. Presl. (Cyperaceae) An extended distribution to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and notes on its identity. Indian Forester A.N. Chandore, S. G. Auti, K. V. C. Gosavi, S. M. Shendage and M. Y. Kamble 2020 View
3. A Study of employees absenteeism with special reference to Tobabar Textiles, Mayani Tal. – Khatav, Dist. – Satara Ayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal S. M. Shendage 2020 View
Dr. K. H. Patil
1. Historical Perspective of Dolichandrone spathacea (L.F.) K. Schum. Ajanta Patil K. H. & Toro S. 2019 View
Dr. S. K. Kamble
1. Evaluation of some phytofungicides against Uromyces appendiculatus F. strauss Bioscience Discovery Suhas Kamble & Bhimrao Patil 2017 View
2. Efficacy of Foliar spray applications of Plant extracts against Groundnut rust Current Research in Environment and Applied Mycology Suhas Kamble, Paul Forster & Bhimrao Patil 2019 View
Dr. Lawand P. R.
1. Lectitypification of Hyphaene dichotoma and Arenga wightii Journal of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy Lawand P. R., Kambale S. S., Yadav, S. R. & Shimple V. B. 2018 View
2. Notes on identity and distribution of Agyreia boseana and A. hookeri (Convolvulaceae) in India Journal of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy Lawand P. R. & Shimple V. B. 2020 View
3. Argyreia sharadchandrajii (Convolvulaceae) a new species from the western ghats, India Rheedea Lawand P. R. & Shimple V. B. 2021 View
Dr. Deshpande S. M.
1. Exploration and documentation of wild food plants from Satara district, Maharashtra (India). International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. S. M. Deshpande*, U. S. Pawar and R. R. Kumbhar. 2019 View
2. Floristic study of Kalbhairavnath sacred grove, Bharsakale, Satara, Maharashtra. Species S. M. Deshpande*, U. S. Pawar, S. H. Bhoite and J. J. Chavan 2019 View
3. Reinstatement of Pimpinella katrajensis R. S. Rao & Hemadri (Apiaceae), an endemic species to Maharashtra with notes on its taxonomy and distribution. Journal of Threatened Taxa S. M. Deshpande*, S. D. Kulkarni, R.B. More & K.V.C. Gosavi 2020 View
4. Assessment of halophyte species diversity at different coastal habitats along the southwest part of Gujarat Coast, India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. U. S. Pawar, S. D. Talekar, S. M. Deshpande-, N. A. Gohel and A. J. Joshi. 2020 View
5. Nursery techniques of some rare tree taxa of Northern Western Ghats. Indian Forester S. M. Deshpande* and S. R. Yadav 2020 View
6. Assessment of floral diversity around a historical lake Swatantrapur, Sangli (Maharashtra, India). Indian Journal of Plant Sciences. D. N. Lohar, P. M. Hasabe, P. E. Jadhav, J. J. Chavan and S. M. Deshpande* 2020 View
7. Role of Botanical Gardens in conservation of rare plants: A case study of Lead Botanic Gardens of Shivaji University. Indian Forester S. M. Deshpande* and S. R. Yadav. 2017 View
8. Identification of winged fruits of some woody species from Northern Western Ghats. Indian Journal of Plant Sciences S. M. Deshpande* and S. R. Yadav 2017 View
9. Book Chapter:

A preliminary assessment of Biodiversity of Y. C. Institute of Science, Satara

Conservation Strategies Used to maintain the biodiversity S. M. Deshpande, N. N. Bendre, P. A. Pawar & V. Y. Deshpande 2022 View
Dr. Patil R. B.
1. Book Chapter:

Review of Literature on Weeds, Aquatic Weeds and their Sustainable Management

Eco Survival Patil R. B. & Kore B. A. 2019 View
2. Potential of Invasive Weed Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P. Beauv. As Resource of Antioxidants International Journal of Research and Reviews Patil R. B. & Kore B. A. 2019 View
3. Morphology, phenology and Palynology of an invasive weed Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P. Beauv. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences Patil R. B. & Kore B. A. 2018 View
4. Seed germination response of an invasive weed Alternanthera ficoidea to temperature and salinity stress Indian Journal of Weed Science R. B. Patil and B. A. Kore 2019 View
5. Phytoconstituents, pigments, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry analysis and allelopathy effect of Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P. Beauv. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research R. B. Patil and B. A. Kore 2017 View
Dr. U. A. Desai
1. Effect of different fungicides on the growth of Fusarium nudum a comparative study International Journal of Basic and Applied Research (IJBAR) Desai U. A., & Kamble S. S. 2017 View
2. Bio-control of Fusarium nudum, the causal organism of Pigeon pea wilt utilizing Trichoderma species. Aarhat: Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal (AMIERJ) Desai U. A., & Kamble S. S. 2018 View
3. Effect of certain Physical Factors on Fusarium nudum causal organism of Wilt of Pigeon pea Advanced Research in Life Sciences Desai U. A., & Kamble S. S. 2018 View
Dr. Patil S. S.
1. Eco-friendly Management of Blight of Blackgram caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kunh. International Journal of Research Patil S. S. & Kamble S.S. 2019 View
2. The influence of abiotic factors on the biological control activities of Trichoderma asperellum against Rhizoctonia solani Kunh. Causing Blight of Blackgram International Journal of Research Patil S. S. & Kamble S.S. 2019 View
Dr. Kamble P. P.
1. Antagonistic property of UV induced mutants of Trichoderma viride against Rhizome rot of Turmeric Bioinfolet Kamble P.P. and Kamble S. S. 2020 View
2. Influence of Physical factors on antagonistic potential of Trichoderma viride against Pythium aphanidermatum. Bioinfolet Pratima P. Kamble and Shivaji S. Kamble 2021 View
3. Effect of Carbon sources on the antagonistic potential of Trichoderma viride (Wild and Mutants) Bioinfolet Pratima P. Kamble and Shivaji S. Kamble 2021 View
4. Effect of Amino acids and Vitamins on antagonistic activity of Trichoderma viride. Bioinfolet Pratima P. Kamble and Shivaji S. Kamble 2021 View
5. Antifungal activity of Organic formulations: Dashparni, Agniastra, Bhramastra and Neemastra. Bioinfolet Sudarshan T. Charapale, Maruti D. Satpute, Pratima P. Kamble, Dattatray K. Gaikwad 2021 View
6. Induction of antagonistic potential in Trichoderma viride by using Chemical mutagen. Journal of Research and Development Pratima P. Kamble and Shivaji S. Kamble 2022 View
Dr. P. S. Kakade
1. Micropropagation of Plumbago zeylanica L. using in vitro germinated seedling explants. International Journal of Life Sciences Kakade, P. S. and Malpathak, N.P. 2017 View
2. Effects of Sargassum ilicifolium seaweed extract on enhanced in vitro seed germination, mass propagation, and accumulation of plumbagin in Plumbago zeylanica L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Prachi S Kakade, Saurabha B Zimare, Nutan P Malpathak 2022 View
3. Unorganized (cell suspension) cultures: A biotechnological tool for enhancement of biomass and gymnemic acid in Gymnema sylvestre. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Saurabha B Zimare, Prachi S Kalade, Nutan P Malpathak 2017 View
4. Biotic elicitation: A strategy for enhancement of antidiabetic gymnemic acid from Gymnema sylvestre. The Journal of

Indian Botanical Society

Saurabha B Zimare, Prachi S Kalade, Nutan P Malpathak 2018 View
5. Nutritional value assessment of Cissus woodrowii (Stapf ex Cooke) Santapau plant parts: An underutilized endemic plant of Western Ghats of India Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources Prachi S Kakade,

Saurabha Bhimrao Zimare

2022 View
6. Bioprospection of underutilized wild Cissus woodrowii fruits for nutritional value and characterization of green-extracted antioxidant phenolic


Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants


Rupali M Kolap, Prachi S Kakade, Ganesh D Mankar, Rajkumar B Barmukh, Rajesh N Gacche, Saurabha B Zimare* 2022 View
7. Assessment of radical scavenging activity and estimation of EC50 values of various extracts of leaves and roots from Lobelia nicotianifolia Roth. (Wild Tobacco). Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants Rupali M Kolap, Prachi S Kakade, Rajesh N Gacche, Saurabha B Zimare* 2021 View
Dr. S. B. Zimare
1. Effects of Sargassum ilicifolium seaweed extract on enhanced in vitro seed germination, mass propagation, and accumulation of plumbagin in Plumbago zeylanica L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Prachi S Kakade, Saurabha B Zimare, Nutan P Malpathak 2022 View
2. Unorganized (cell suspension) cultures: A biotechnological tool for enhancement of biomass and gymnemic acid in Gymnema sylvestre. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Saurabha B Zimare, Prachi S Kalade, Nutan P Malpathak 2017 View
3. Biotic elicitation: A strategy for enhancement of antidiabetic gymnemic acid from Gymnema sylvestre. The Journal of

Indian Botanical Society

Saurabha B Zimare, Prachi S Kalade, Nutan P Malpathak 2018 View
4. Nutritional value assessment of Cissus woodrowii (Stapf ex Cooke) Santapau plant parts: An underutilized endemic plant of Western Ghats of India Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources Prachi S Kakade,

Saurabha Bhimrao Zimare

2022 View
5. Bioprospection of underutilized wild Cissus woodrowii fruits for nutritional value and characterization of green-extracted antioxidant phenolic


Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants


Rupali M Kolap, Prachi S Kakade, Ganesh D Mankar, Rajkumar B Barmukh, Rajesh N Gacche, Saurabha B Zimare* 2022 View
6. Assessment of radical scavenging activity and estimation of EC50 values of various extracts of leaves and roots from Lobelia nicotianifolia Roth. (Wild Tobacco). Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants Rupali M Kolap, Prachi S Kakade, Rajesh N Gacche, Saurabha B Zimare* 2021 View
7. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of thaumatin like proteins (TLPS) in In Vivo and In Vitro cultures of Gymnema sylvestre. The Journal of Indian Botanical Society Saurabha B Zimare, Gitanjali Javir, Jyoti Otageri, Kalpana Pai, Nutan P Malpathak


2018 View
8. Potential mevalonate pathway precursors for enhanced production of gymnemic acid. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Saurabha B Zimare*, Nutan P Malpathak 2020 View
9. Effect of elicitors on plant cell suspension culture for the enhancement of secondary metabolite production. National

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ganesh C Nikalje, Saurabha B Zimare, Dipak B Shelke 2021 View
10. Bioprospecting of Lobelia nicotianifolia Roth. plant parts for antioxidant and cytotoxic activity and its phytoconstituents. Pharmacognosy Magazine Rupali M Kolap, Kailas D Datkhile, Saurabha B Zimare* 2021 View
11. Altitudinal gradients influence the accumulation of pharmaceutically important phenolic compounds in the leaves of Lobelia nicotianifolia Roth. and regulates its antioxidant and

anticancer property.

Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics Ganesh D Mankar, Akshay B Gulave, Kailas D Datkhile, Saurabha B Zimare*


2021 View
12. Bioprospecting of the underutilized endemic taxon Cissus woodrowii (Stapf ex Cooke) Santapau for its antioxidant activity and phenolic profiling Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources Rupali M Kolap, Akshay B Gulave, Saurabha B Zimare* 2020 View
13. Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of total phenolics and flavonoids from the leaves of Lobelia

nicotianifolia and their radical scavenging potential.

Current Research in Green and

Sustainable Chemistry

Saurabha B Zimare*, Ganesh D Mankar, Rajkumar B Barmukh 2021 View

Syllabus & Outcomes

Sr. No. Class Syllabus
1 B. Sc. I (NEP 2.0) View
2 B. Sc. I (Open Elective) View
3 B. Sc. I – Indian Knowledge System (IKS) View
4 B. Sc. II View
5 B. Sc. III View

Short Term Course

Short Term Courses:

Plant Sciences deals with the study of plants by gaining knowledge of plant morphology, biogeography, classification, anatomy, physiology, and plant pathology.

Plant Science prepares students to ensure use natural resources and conservation practices to produce food, fuel, fibre, and pharmaceutical crops, while maintaining the health of the natural environment. Plant science offer relevant knowledge on sustainable agriculture, field crop systems, seed biology, pest management, crop management, water management, plant breeding and genetics, seed science etc.


  • To develop methods of conservation of medicinal plants through multiplication.
  • To identify the medicinal plant resources of the surrounding region.
  • To acquire skills in seed science and technology to develop self-employability and job opportunities in seed industry.
  • To study basic morphology which helps in the identification of plant species, use of flora and classification systems.
  • To ensure the identification of medicinal herbs and their applications in various formulations.
  • To document the region flora as repository in the form of herbarium.



Sr. No. Title of the Course Year of Implementation Type of Course View Details
1. Cultivation and Conservation of Medicinal Plants 2017-2018 STC View Details
2. Seed technology 2018-2019 STC View Details
3. Phyto morphological Studies in taxonomic Botany 2019-2020 STC View Details
4. Mushroom Culture Technology 2021-2022 STC View Details
5. Herbal Products 2021-2022 Value Added View Details
6. Herbarium technique and digital herbaria 2021-2022 Add on Course View Details
7. Cultivation and Conservation of Medicinal Plants 2022 – 23 STC View Details
8. Fruit Processing 2022 – 23 Value Added View Details
9 Creative Botanical Skills 2023 – 24 Value Added View Details
10 Floriculture 2023 – 24 Value Added View Details



Academic Calendar & Time Table

Sr. No. Year Particulars View Details
1 2024-25 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
2 2023-24 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
3 2022-23 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
4 2021-22 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
5 2020-21 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
6 2019-20 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
7 2018-19 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View
8 2017-18 Academic Calendar View
Time Table View

Guest Lectures, Expert Lectures

Sr. No. Year Topic View Details
1 2023-2024 Plant Tissue Culture Bonsai


2 Guest Lecture on the occasion of Wetland Day View
3 2019-2020 Biodiversity of Western Ghats and its Conservation


4 Role of tissue culture in conservation of RET plants View
5 2018 -2019 To know our scientists: Gregor Mendel and George W. Carver


6 Apiculture and its Role in Pollination


Workshops & Conferences

Sr. No. Year Title of the Workshop View Details
1 2023-24 Workshop on Coconut Production Technology View
Workshop on Floral Arrangement View
2 2022-23 International Conference Report View
One Day Lead College Workshop on Wild Edible Plants of Tadoba Used by Tribals View
3 2021-2022 One Day Workshop on “Biodiversity: Values and Conservation Strategies”


4 2020-2021 National e – seminar on “Biodiversity of India: An Overview”


5 2017-2018 National Conference on “New Horizons in Advanced Agricultural Techniques and Agro -Tourism”


Student Centered Activities

Student Centered Activities

Sr. No. Year Name of the Activity Date Remark
1 2023-2024 Publication of Wallpaper 15th August 2023


2 1st September 2023


3 2nd Feb. 2024


4 Online Quiz National Science Day


5 National Wildlife Week


6 Amazon Rainforest Day


7 Study Tour Kaas Plateau


8 Poster Exhibition Wetland Day


1 2022-2023 Publication of Wallpaper 15th August 2022


2 15th October 2022


3 10th Feb. 2023


4 Online Quiz on the occasion of National Nutrition Week 1-7 Sept. 2022


5 Online Quiz on the occasion of World Bamboo Day 18th Sept. 2022


6 Reintroduction of Cheetah in India 14th Sept. 2022


7 Herbarium Technique Training 26th Sept. 2022


8 Celebration of National Wildlife Week – Essay Competition 6th Oct. 2022


9 Celebration of National Wildlife Week Online Quiz 7th Oct. 2022


10 Celebration of National Wildlife Week – Floral Rangoli 8th Oct. 2022


11 Online Quiz “World Wetland Day” 2nd Feb. 2023


12 Online Quiz “World Pulses Day” 10th Feb. 2023


13 Celebration of International Year of Millets & Maharashtra Millets Mission 2023 17th March 2023


31st March 2023


14 Study tour @ Manmit Nursery 23rd Sept. 2022


15 Field Visit @ Kas Plateau 1st Oct. 2022


16 Salad Decoration Competition 13th April 2023









Celebration of International Flower Day 19/01/2022


2. Online Quiz on Endangered Species and International Day for Biological Diversity 22/05/2022


3. Green Corner: Plant of the Day


4. Online Quiz on World Wildlife Day 03/03/2022


5. Publication of Wallpapers 06/10/2021






6. Herbarium Techniques Training 08/01/2022


7. Participation in Avishkar


8. Internal Evaluation B. Sc. I


Internal Evaluation B. Sc. II





Home assignment


2. Question Bank


3. Project








Guest Lecture on Role of tissue culture in conservation of RET plants 14/09/2019


2. Visit to Hi Tech Agriculture & Manmit Nursery Kumathe 29/02/2020


3. Guest lecture on Role of Plant Propagation in Biodiversity Conservation 08/02/2020







Question Bank


2. Visit to Seema Biotech (Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory) and Lead Botanical Garden, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 12/02/2019







Question bank for B. Sc. I and B. Sc. II


2. Slow and Advance Learners
3. Hydroponics Training
4. Visit to Shivaji University Kolhapur
5. Students Project

Extension Activities & Best Practices

Cheetah Awareness Program

MoU/ Linkages/ Collaborations


Sr. No. MoU View Details
1 D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon & Seema Biotech, Talsande, Kolhapur View
2 D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon & Sahyadri Bio Green, Satara View
3 D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon & Shri Ganesh Nursery, Koregaon View


Sr. No.


View Details
1 D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon & Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Satara View
2 D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon & Amdar Shashikant Shinde Maahvidyalaya, Medha View


Sr. No. Collaboration View Details

D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon & Department of Forests, Koregaon – Satara


Photo Gallery