Product Patents

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Product Patents: 06 (Registered/ Published/ Examined/ Granted)
Sr. No Name of the Inventor Name of the Invention & Details Level Department Status
1 Prin. Dr. V. S Sawant PCT International “System & Method for Smog Removal” Application No PCT/IN2021/050961 filled on 7th October 2021 International (PCT) Physics Registered
2 Prin. Dr. V. S. Sawant “System & Method for Smog Removal” Patent Application No : 2020015336 filled on 7th October 2021 National Physics Registered
3 Prin. Dr. V. S. Sawant “A Bi-Ionic Air Cleaner & Disinfector system” Patent Application No : 202121054534  filled on 25th November 2021, National Physics Registered
4 Prin. Dr. V. S. Sawant Design Patent Application No : 354377-001 filled on 30th November 2021 National Physics Examination
5 Prin. Dr. V. S. Sawant Design Patent Application No : 354378-001 filled on 30th November 2021 National Physics Examination
6 Prin. Dr. V. S. Sawant Design Patent Application No : 354379-001 filled on 30th November 2021 National Physics Examination