About Us

Since its establishment in 2004, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) strives to assure quality education in the college. It plans activities and monitories them through different committees like Academic Monitoring Committee, Exam Committee, Staff Academy Committee, Research Advisory Committee, etc. The college has done constant progress in NAAC Assessment & Accreditation process in which IQAC has played a pivotal role. The efforts of IQAC resulted in the following achievements –

Sr. No. Accreditation Year Grade CGPA Details
1 2017 A 3.12 View
2 2011 B 2.61 View
3 2004 C++ View
Sr. No. Particulars Year/s Details
1 Karmaveer Paritoshik 2019-20 View
2 Quality Brands India College Award 2019-21 View
3 ISO 2009:2015 2018-19 View

Vision & Mission

The college is committed to impart quality education keeping pace with global needs to fulfill the highest standards of educational, social, cultural and economic needs, for all-round development of deprived students with ethics and accountability.

The mission of the college is:

  • To impart quality education to young generation of India for creating skilled human resource of high caliber.
  • To provide education to all the classes emphasizing down-trodden, economically and socially backward sections of society.
  • To inculcate values like gender equality, social equality, co-operation and mutual understanding, sportsmanship, dignity of labour, etc. for all- round development of students.
  • To promote a sense of equality, national integration, social justice, secularism among the students
  • To act as a catalyst in socio-economic transformation for national development.


The IQAC Committee has been formed as per the latest guidelines of NAAC published at –

AQAR-Guideline Affiliated-Constituent-UG-Colleges.pdf

College Development Committee

Sr. No. Name Representation
1 Dr. V. S. Sawant Head of the institution
2 Prof. (Dr.) B. S. Lokde Coordinator
3 Prin. S. K. Patil Member from Management
4 Mr. V. S. Gharge Alumni
5 Mr. D. S. Deore Alumni
6 Mr. Shambhuraj Yadav Society
7 Mr. C. R. Barge Industrialist
8 Prof. S. D. Jadhav Teacher
9 Dr. D. G. Sontakke Teacher
10 Dr. N. D. Nikam Teacher
11 Dr. S. P. Nalawade Teacher
12 Dr. V. S. Jamadade Teacher
13 Dr. S. M. Deshpande Teacher
14 Dr. V. S. Kosthi Teacher
15 Dr. M. B. Hande Teacher
16 Miss. Tanuja Shirke Student Representative
17 Mr. S. L. Alkunte Office Superintendent

Value Framework

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college works for inculcation of the NAAC Core Values among the stakeholders of the college. The NAAC Core Values are –

Core Values

  • Contributing to National Development
  • Fostering Global Competencies among Students
  • Inculcating a Value System among Students
  • Promoting the Use of Technology
  • Quest for Excellence

Quality Policy
Uncompromising commitment for transforming lives of rural and deprived masses, providing ICT enabled quality higher education through inculcating research temperament, global citizenship & secular democratic values so as to instill life skills for national development.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop insight in the subject of their studies.
  • Instill scientific temperament.
  • Inculcate skills in the areas of their choice.
  • Improve communicative abilities.
  • Build confidence.
  • Develop critical thinking creativity and innovative approach.

Graduate Attributes

    • Attribute for social and economic empowerment 
      • Effective communication skill and development of entrepreneurship skills
      • Basic understanding management and accounting
      • Self-employment of ability
      • Multicultural perspective resulting in secular thinking
    • Accept scholastic career and value-oriented challenges
      • Upgradation of subject knowledge
      • Scientific temper and research culture
    • Environment and gender sensitization with inclusive and secular outlook
      • Environmental awareness
      • Gender equality and social awareness
    • Synergize traditional and modern values
      • Critical thinking and problem solving skills
    • Able to manage and observe change
      • Team work and Leadership Skills
    • Competent to take quick decision and readily employment
      • Theory into action
      • Computer literacy
      • Innovation in learning process

Teacher Attributes

  • Excellent Knowledge of the subject taught
  • Well organized an innovative in teaching
  • Interactive teaching with communication skills
  • Unbiased, just, honest, patient, strict and trustworthy
  • Understanding and respecting students’ divers needs
  • Encouraging innovative ideas of students in curricular,
  • co-curricular and extra-curricular
  • Healthy and cordial relationship with other faculty
  • Educate students to become employable and better citizens
  • Zest for transforming the waste land in to the best land

Code of Conduct

For Teaching Staff


  • The faculty member should report to the college at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the college timing
  • The work plan of teaching staff should ensure, in the most productive manner, with regard to the roles, jobs and targets assigned to them by the institution


  • Prior written permission is required from the principal at least a day advance while availing CL or DL
  • Half a day CL will not be sanctioned.
  • 15 days of causal leave can be availed in a calendar year
  • Causal leave can be combined with holidays. However the period of continuous absence from duty should not exceed ten days
  • All must report for duty on the reopening day and the last working day of each semester
  • Medical Leave will be sanctioned only for medical reasons. Medical Certificate will be verified for its genuineness
  • Study leave for higher studies will be granted at the discretion of the management


  • No teacher should involve himself/ herself in any act of moral turpitude on his/ her part which may cause impairment or bring discredit to the institution or management.
  • No teacher should involve himself/herself in any form of political activity inside or outside the campus
  • Teacher should attend the college neatly dressed, wearing shoes. Dress regulations should be followed as the occasion demands.
  • Any instructions issued by the competent Authority by way of circulations from time to time must be complied
  • No teacher shall send circular/distribute handbills to the staff organize meeting in the campus without permission from the principal
  • Teacher are barred from using cell phone while talking classes
  • Heads of the department must submit the department’s time table and individual teachers time tables to the principal on the last working day of the previous semester
  • Teacher must always wear their identity badges while inside the college premises
  • Teachers are encouraged to conduct research on their topic of interest
  • Each department association must conduct at least three special meetings in each semester
  • Teacher are expected to attend departmental meetings, seminars etc and also college functions
  • No representation to any Government authority or university in the name of the college should be made by any teacher without the principals permission
  • HODs are responsible for all the college properties belonging to their department
  • All department meeting of teachers shall be held only before 11.00 am or after  4.00 pm
  • Every faculty member should maintain academic record book
  • The staff should get the feedback from students
  • Once the subject is allotted the staff should prepare lecture wise lesson plan


  • Staff should engage the full 60 minutes and should not leave the class early
  • The staff should use ICT for effective delivery of lecture
  • The staff should encourage students asking doubts and questions
  • The staff should take care of slow learners and pay special attention to their needs in remedial coaching classes
  • The staff should motivate the students and bring the creativity in the students and should make himself/herself available for doubt clearance


  • The staff should involve themselves in the preparation of experimental setup and upgrade the laboratory
  • Staff should involve themselves in demonstration models, charts and innovative methods of teaching for better and improved interaction with students


  • In problem oriented subject, regular tutorials have to be conducted
  • Test, prelim, mid-term, submission and mock practical examination must be conducted as per the academic calendar


  • All the staff members are required to submit their Self-Evaluation Report at the end of every term of the academic year in the prescribed format
  • Faculty Members are expected to update their knowledge by attending seminars/workshops/conference, after obtaining necessary permission from the Head of the Department and Principal.
  • Faculty Member should attempt to publish research papers and articles in reputed International/ Indian Journal and periodicals.
  • EVERY Faculty Member is expected to extend his/her beneficial influence in building up the personality of students and he/she should associate himself/herself actively in such extracurricular activities

For Non-Teaching Staff

  • Non-teaching staff working in the college office or department should remain on duty during college hours. They should report for duty at least 30 minutes in advance
  • Non-teaching staff should wear the uniform provided by the Management
  • Non-teaching staff must always wear their identity badge during working hours
  • Non-teaching staff assigned to Laboratories should keep the Labs clean
  • Any Loss or damage to any article in the lab or Class Room should be reported to the HOD in writing immediately
  • Non-teaching Staff, working in the Lab, shall maintain a stock register for all the articles, equipments etc.
  • For articles damaged by the students a separate register should be maintained and if any money is collected from the student towards damages as per the direction of the HOD, the amount shall be handed over to the college Account staff for deposit in the college account
  • Non-teaching staff will carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities to whom they are attached
  • A staff is eligible for 12 days CL in one calendar year any staff availing himself/herself of the leave should do so with the prior permission of the principal
  • No staff employed in a college shall absent himself from his/her duties without prior permission. In a case of sickness or absence on medical ground, a medical certificate to the satisfaction of the college authorities shall be produced within a week
  • Non- teaching staff shall not leave the college premises without permission before 5.30p.m.
  • Clerk should maintain service book of all staff of the Institute
  • Clerk should maintain college level all document
  • Lab assistant should help the lab in-charge to carry out the lab related work
  • Lab assistant should maintain attendance register
  • Accountant should provide all necessary accounting documents and financial statement for yearly account audits
  • Peon should report the college half an hour before the college time
  • Peon should maintain cleanliness of laboratories, class and staff rooms

For Students

Good student discipline is customary in the campus life at D. P. Bhosale College, Koregaon. We confident the Discipline is essential to prepare to our student to be useful and important citizens of their country and societies. Several measures are implemented to achieve this aim a few are mention bellow.


  • The student must observe and strictly followed the disciplinary rules and regulations of the institute.
  • The student should follow the academic calendar as per the instructions of head of the department.
  • Code of conduct on the campus includes safeguarding the institutional property, keeping the campus clean and tidy and dressing civilly.
  • Any act of indiscipline or misbehavior by any student will attract severe punishment.
  • Smoking and chewing of tobacco is strictly prohibited.
  • Students have to park their vehicles in parking zone only. The management is not responsible for the safety.
  • The student shall only use the waste bins for disposing waste materials in classrooms, hostels and offices to make the college. Campus free from plastic and other litter.
  • The student should switch off their mobile phones while in the classroom, library and laboratory.
  • Mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the exam hall during the examination. Loss or Theft of mobiles, valuables and other belongings are at students’ risk.
  • Defacing any part of the campus is treated as an offence.
  • Important Notices/Notifications/circulars etc are displayed at separately allocated Notice Board and information corners on the campus, students are expected to make it a practice to regularly read such displayed information.
  • For any certificate that is to be collected from the Principal’s office(s) request letters(s) must be submitted two days in advance.
  • Students must always carry


  • Boys are expected to be in full dress code decided by the institution.
  • Students are expected to wear college uniform regularly.
  • Girls are expected to dress in formal and decent attire and avoid wearing tight, transparent, sleeveless, or revealing outfits.


  • Every student must carry with him/her college and campus I-card every day while attending lectures and appearing various examinations.
  • The student should take his/her Identity card and library card for home lending from the library at the beginning of the year.
  • They should carry identity card with him/her regularly and it should produce when demanded by the authorized person of the institute.
  • At the time of issuing a book, the identity card must be presented along with library card. Without I-card the reader may be refused the use of the home lending facility.


“Ragging in all its forms totally banned in this institution including in its departments constituent units, in all its premises (academic, residential, sports, cafeteria and the like) whether located within the campus or outside and in all means of transportation of students. ACTION TO BE TAKEN AGAINST STUDENTS INDULGING AND ABETTING IN RAGGING as per the Direction of Hon’ble Supreme court of India. The Anti-Ragging committee was working in the college and look after the rule and regulation in this connection. MAHARASHTRA ACT NO. XXXIII OF 1999, THE MAHARASHTRA PROHIBITION OF RAGGING ACT, 1999. (AS MODIFIED UP TO THE 29 TH August 2012)

  • Cancellation of admission.
  • Suspension from attending classes
  • Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/ fee concession and other benefits.
  • Debarring from appearing in type of examination held in the college
  • Debarring from representing the college functions
  • Suspension from the hostel
  • Collective punishment if larger number of students are involved in the act of ragging
  • An FIR filed without any exception with local police station


  • Attendance in classes as per university norms is strictly enforced
  • Leaves are granted for valid reasons only
  • Students must have a cumulative attendance percentage of 75 and above
  • The student must report about the sickness to the institute
  • The student will responsible for the absence of any type of examination. This may be detrimental to the overall performance and result of the student.
  • Leave Travel Concession as per the rules and regulation of Indian Railways and MSRTC will be allowed only for designed vacations
  • Risk certificate should be filled and compulsory to submitted to the relevant department and abide the rules and regulations made by the institute for the educational tours and excursion.


  • Candidates must appear at the time of examination hall half an hour before the commencement of the examination
  • Mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the examination hall during the examination
  • Candidates should not communicate, transfer and pass on any cheating/copy/writing material to one another in any manner during the examination
  • Only writing material should allowed and kept on the desk of the candidate
  • All candidate should fallow the examination rules made by the university


  • Loud / impolite talk/ use of abusive language which offends the listener would be dealt with serious action
  • Expected to spend their free time in the library/ reading room.

For Principal

  • The principal should oversee and monitor the administration of the academic programme and general administration of the institute to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the overall administrative task and assignments
  • The principal shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the college, including the guidance and direction of the teacher and other staff of the college and be accountable for that management
  • Provide leadership to the teachers and other staff and the students of the college
  • The principal should plan the budgetary provision and go through the financial audited statement of the institute
  • The principal has authority to take all the necessary actions as and when required to maintain discipline in the institute
  • The principal should form various college level committees which are necessary for the development of the institute
  • The principal should encourage the faulty members to update their knowledge by attending seminar, workshops and conferences
  • The principal should encourage the faulty members to author text books and publish research papers in reputed national and international journals
  • The principal should provide leadership, direction and co-ordination within the institute
  • The principal should periodically review this code of conduct
  • The principal is responsible for the development of academic programme of the institute
  • The principal should convene meeting of any of the authorities, bodies or committees as and when required
  • The principle should ensure that directions issued by the management are strictly complied with or, as the case may be, implemented
  • The principal should ensure that quality in education and academic services is maintained for continuous improvement and turn the students into better individuals and responsible citizen of the country
  • The principal should ensure that the long-term and short-term development plans of the institute in their academic programmes are duly processed and implemented through relevant authorities, bodies, committees and its members
  • The principal should forward confidential report of all staff members of the institute and submit it to the management
  • The principal shall responsible for submission of an annual report on the progress achieved in different developmental and collaborative programmes to the various committees and management

For Management

There shall be a separate College Development Committee comprising of the following-

  • Chairman of the management or his nominee
  • Secretary of the management or his nominee
  • One head of the department to be nominated by the principal
  • Three teachers elected by the full time amongst themselves out whom at least one shall be a woman
  • One non-teaching employee elected by regular non-teaching staff from amongst themselves
  • Four local members, nominated by the management in consultation with the principal from the fields of education, industry, research and social service of whom at least one shall be alumnus
  • Co-coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Committee of the college
  • President and Secretary of the College Students Council
  • Principal of the college-Member-Secretary
  • The college development committee shall meet at least four times in a year
  • Elected and nominated members shall have a term of five years from the date of election

The college development committee shall –

  • Prepare an overall comprehensive development plan of the college regarding academic administrative and infrastructural growth
  • Recommend to the management about introducing new academic courses and the creation of additional teaching and administrative posts
  • Take review of the self-financing courses in the college, if any, and make recommendations for their improvement
  • Make specific recommendation to the management to encourage and strengthen research culture, consultancy and extension activities in the college
  • Make specific recommendations to the management to foster academic collaboration to strengthen teaching and research
  • Make specific recommendation to the management to encourage the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning process
  • Make specific recommendation regarding the improvement in teaching and suitable training programmes for the employees of college
  • Prepare the annual financial estimates (budget) and financial statements of the college or institution and recommend the same to the management for approval
  • Formulate proposals of new expenditure not provided for in the annual financial estimates.
  • Make recommendations regarding the students and employees welfare activities in the college
  • Discuss the reports of the IQAC and make suitable recommendations
  • Frame suitable admission procedure for different programmes by following the statutory norms
  • Recommend the administration about appropriate steps to be taken regarding the discipline, safety and security of the college
  • Consider and make appropriate recommendations on inspection reports, local inquiry reports, audit report of National Assessment and Accreditation council, etc.
  • Recommend the distribution of different prizes, medals and awards to students
  • Prepare the annual report on the work done by committee for the year ending on the 30th June and submit the same to the management of such college and the university
  • Perform such other duties and exercise such other power as may be entrusted by the management and the university
  • To establish, maintain and manage residential quarrelers for the staff of the institute
  • To help students and staff of the institute in special and higher studies in the country or abroad
  • To institute and award fellowships, scholarships prizes and medals in accordance with the rules and bylaws of the institute
  • To prepare and execute detailed plans and programs for the establishment of the institute and carry on its administration, development and management

NAAC Recommendations

Recommendations by NAAC at 3rd Cycle Assessment

The Hon’ble NAAC Peer Team visited college on 6th & 7th October, 2017 Assessment and Accreditation of the college for 3rd Cycle. The committee conferred ‘A’ Grade with 3.12 CGPA and given following recommendations for further improvement –

  • Starting of relevant Post Graduate Programmes
  • Introduction of research programs in more departments
  • Starting of digital library and increasing space of reading room with RFID facilities.
  • Training programs for competitive examinations to facilitate opportunities for Government/MNC jobs with active support by Alumni Association.
  • Enhancing regular faculty professional development programs
  • Signing more number of MOUS.
  • Promoting regular extension activities.
  • Applying for obtaining more research grants from DST, ICSSR, FIST, Ministry of Forest and Environment.
  • Establishment of committee to check the ethical standard and plagiarism in the research.
  • Construction of boys’ hostel.

NAAC Certificate

Minutes of Meetings & ATR

Internal Quality Assurance Cell conducts periodic meetings of the members of IQAC Committee as well as teaching faculty and administrative staff. The agenda of the meeting include strategic planning on effective implementation of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Major decisions are taken during the meetings and action is taken accordingly.

Sr.No. Year View Details
1 Minutes of Meetings 2022-23 View
2 MoM and ATR 2021-22 View
3 Minutes of Meetings 2020-21 View
4 Minutes of Meetings 2019-20 View
5 Minutes of Meetings 2018-19 View
6 Minutes of Meetings 2017-18 View

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell takes a periodic review of feedback collected on Teaching, Learning and Evaluation process. Decisions are taken during the IQAC Committee Meets and action is taken accordingly.

Sr.No. Year View Details
1 ATR 2022-23 View
2 ATR 2021-22 View
3 ATR 2020-21 View
4 ATR 2019-20 View
5 ATR 2018-19 View
6 ATR 2017-18 View

Perspective Plan

Curricular Aspects

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28
· Implementation of NEP and providing Academic Flexibility

· Workshops on Revised Curriculum as per NEP

· Organization of workshops/ Seminars on awareness of NEP among the stakeholders

· Proposal for new subject: B. Sc. in Computer Science

· Introduction of New Add-on Courses & Online Courses through SWAYAM, NPTEL, etc.

· Workshops on Online LMS, Online Teachers’ Introduction of Online Teachers’ Academic Diary

· Initiatives to integrate Indian Knowledge System in Curriculum

· Effective execution of Online LMS Academic Diary

· Sensitization of learners towards curriculum

· Curriculum update of STCs

· Execution of Syllabi as per NEP

· Workshops on Revised Curriculum as per NEP

· Adoption of Academic Flexibility

· Introduction of new subject B. Sc. I in Computer Science

· Introduction of New Skill-based STCs & Online Courses through SWAYAM, NPTEL, etc.

· Continuation of Online Teachers’ Academic Diary & Online LMS

· Proposals for introduction of PG Programmes like M. Sc. & MCA

· Collection and analysis off on-line feedback on Curriculum

· Initiatives for Outcome-based Education (OBE)

· Strengthening of Academic Programmes

· Planning & Implementation of Curriculum as per Calendar

· Introduction of new subject B. Sc. II in Computer Science

· Introduction of M. Sc. I in Physics & MCA

· Continuation of skill-based Short Term Courses like BOSCH Bridge Course,
TCS, Mahindra Pride Classroom, etc

· Designing, compiling and publishing study material on curriculum

· Collection and analysis off on-line feedback on curriculum


· Planning & Implementation of Curriculum as per Calendar

· Introduction of new subject B. Sc. III in Computer Science

· Introduction of M. Sc. II in Physics & MCA

· Continuation of skill-based Short Term Courses like BOSCH Bridge Course, TCS, Mahindra Pride Classroom, etc.

· On-line Feedback System on Curriculum

· Introduction of Add-on Courses on holistic education

· Continuation of Online LMS Academic Diary

· Collection and analysis off on-line feedback on curriculum

· Planning & Implementation of Curriculum as per Calendar

· Conduct of Revision and Interaction Sessions

· Continuation of skill-based Short Term Courses like BOSCH Bridge Course, TCS, Mahindra Pride Classroom, etc.

· Designing, compiling and publishing study material on curriculum

· On-line Feedback System by Students, Parents on Curriculum and introduction of new courses

· Continuation of Online LMS Academic Diary

· Collection and analysis off on-line feedback on curriculum


Teaching Learning and Evaluation

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28
· Transparency in admissions adhering to e-Governance

·  Formation of Student Chapters /

· Clubs 

· Execution of Online LMS & Teachers’ Academic Diary

· Remedial  Coaching for Slow Learners 

· Use of Softwares in TLE

· FDP & Orientation Programmes on Improving Teacher Quality

· Encouragement for participative learning

· Student & Teacher Exchange Programmes as per NEP 

· Introduction of Internship & Onsite Training programmes for students

· Collection & analysis of Student Satisfaction Survey

· Promotion of collaborative learning like Group Projects, Group Discussions, etc.




· Activities under Student Chapters / Clubs 

· Provision of Extra Assignments for Advanced Learners

· Workshop on Use of Smart Boards in Teaching-Learning

· Projects, Seminars & Question Banks as CIE

· Continuation of Surprise Test, Preliminary Exams

· Student & Teacher Exchange Programmes as per NEP

· Continuation of Internship & onsite training programmes for students

· Introduction of Innovative Evaluation processes

· Strengthening of Innovations in Teaching Quality

· Guest / Expert Lectures 

· Strengthening the mentoring system 

· Conduct of Academic Audit

· Conduct of ISO Surveillance Audit

· Promotion of Innovative teaching, Pedagogy, classroom delivery techniques

· Activities under Student Chapters/Clubs 

· Provision of Extra Assignments for Advanced Learners

· Projects, Seminar & Question Banks

· Continuation of Surprise Test, Preliminary Exam

· Student & Teacher Exchange Programmes as per NEP

· Continuation of Internship & onsite training programmes for students

· Introduction of Innovative Teaching and Evaluation processes

· Development of Linkages with other Knowledge Resource Centers

· Encouragement to pursue online courses

· Signing of MoUs for student exchange

· Activities under Student Chapters/Clubs 

· Provision of Extra Assignments for Advanced Learners

· Workshop on Use of Smart Boards in Teaching – Learning

· Projects, Seminar & Question Banks

· Continuation of Surprise Test, Preliminary Exam

· Strengthening Mentor-Mentee Scheme

· Recognition of Merits and Felicitations of Students

· Strengthening of Center for Competitive Examinations

· Enhancing student-centric teaching learning process

· Strengthening of CIE

· Promotion of experiential learning through study tours and field visits

· Extensive use of ICT in TLE

· Experiential learning through study tours and field visits

· Activities under Student Chapters/Clubs 

· Provision of Extra Assignments for Advanced Learners

· Workshop on Use of Smart Boards in Teaching

· Projects, Seminar & Question Banks

· Continuation of Surprise Test, Preliminary Exam

· Student & Teacher Exchange Programmes as per NEP

· Encouragement for participative learning

· Parents’ Meets and fulfillment of their suggestions


Research, Innovations and Extension

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28
· Policy Statement for Research Development  · Strengthening eco-system for research and innovations

· Organization of Research Avishkar Competition

· Provision and utilization of  Seed Money for Research

· Extension activities by NSS, NCC

· Organization of Blood Donation Camps 

· Establishment of National & International Collaborations 

· Conduct of Collaborative Activities 

· Felicitation for publications in high impact factor journals

· Exposure of Students to Research & Innovations

· Fostering research culture among the learners

· Village –adoption for outreach programmes

· Awareness programmes on Govt. schemes for community

· Signing of MoU with Electoral Literacy Club

· Workshops on Innovations, Inventions and IPR                       · Organization of Research Avishkar Competition

· Outreach programmes by departments & extension activities in collaborations with GOs & NGOs

· Interdisciplinary National Conferences (Arts & Commerce)

· Felicitation for publications in high impact factor journals

· Student exposure to research and innovations

· Motivation and incentives for Interdisciplinary research

· Provision of  Seed Money for Research and financial support to teachers 

· Financial Assistance to learners for Research  

· Up-gradation of Research Facilities

· Awareness Programmes on Road Safety

· International exposure to faculty through joint research

· Continuation of outreach programmes in the adopted village

· Activities under MoU with Electoral Literacy Club

· Strengthening Industry-Academia Innovative Practices            · Organization of Research Avishkar Competition

· Provision of  Seed Money for Research 

· Financial support for teachers & students

· Continuation of extension activities by NSS, NCC 

· Interdisciplinary International Conferences (Science)

· Felicitation for publications in high impact factor journals

· Encouragement for Inter-departmental Research

· Expert Lectures on Consultancy

· Allotment of small scale research projects to learners

· Introduction of Research Programmes like Ph.Ds

· Introduction of plagiarism check software

· Encouraging research on regional/local issues

· Organization of Research Avishkar Competition      · Provision and utilization of  Seed Money for Research 

· Financial support for teachers & students

· Continuation of extension activities by NSS, NCC  & other departments

· Interdisciplinary National Conferences (BCA & B. Voc.)

· Felicitation for publications in high impact factor journals

· Promotion of Inter-disciplinary Research

· Strengthening of Outreach Programmes

· Signing of more MoUs. & Collaborations

· Developing linkage with NCL and other reputed laboratories

· Encouragement for establishing start-ups

· Encouraging society relevant research

· Transforming student ideas into prototypes

· Extension activities for Environment Protection and Conservation    · Interdisciplinary National Conferences (Arts & Commerce)

· Felicitation for publications in high impact factor journals 

· Provision and utilization of  Seed Money for Research Financial support for teachers & students

· Research projects with Industry / Organizations

· Computer Literacy Programmes for disadvantaged school students

· Inviting industry experts for research promotion

· Incentives for establishing start-ups

· Incentives for undertaking society relevant research

· Organization of Research Avishkar Competition

· Activities under MoU with Electoral Literacy Club

· Organization of Blood Donation Camps


Infrastructure and Learning Resources

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28
· Initiatives for eco-friendly campus

· Proposal for grants under PM-USHA for up-gradation of physical facilities

· Upgrading of Intercom facility

· Renovation & Extension of Chemistry Lab

· Up gradation of  Research Facility Center 

· Up gradation of IT Infrastructure 

· Purchase of 15 Computers

· Strengthening of Library Facilities

· Enrichment of Medicinal plant garden

· Classroom Augmentation

· Recognition  for Research Labs of Chemistry & Physics 

· Up gradation and enrichment of IT Infrastructure and Library resources

· Installation of more number of Gadgets like Video Conferencing, CCTV Cameras & LEDs

· Purchase of 20 Computers

· Enhancing Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF)

· Infrastructure development, moderation, up-gradation grants from UGC, DBT, DST, as per the needs of NEP

· Construction of second floor of  A Wing Building

· Up gradation of IT Infrastructure 

· Complete Automation of Library Services

· Purchase of 20 Computers

· Creation of Yoga Center

· Strengthening of Vehicle Parking Facilities

· Installation of Chemical Waste Plant

· Up-gradation of College Canteen Facilities

· Efforts to obtain grants for infrastructure development

· Completion of second floor of  A Wing Building

· Up gradation of IT Infrastructure 

· Purchase of 20 Computers

· Strengthening of Sports Infrastructure Facilities

· Augmentation of Infrastructure for disabled friendly campus

· Refinement of Botanical Garden

· Enhancement in playground with all possible outdoor sports facilities

· Completion of the Construction of A Wing  Building

· Up gradation of IT Infrastructure 

· Purchase of 20 Computers

· Reading Room Facility for Alumni and other stakeholders

· Recycling of waste papers 

· Augmentation in Lecture Capturing System

· Refinement of Green House and Nursery

· Spacious, well furnished, well ventilated Cafeteria

· Well-equipped Gymkhana and Gymnasium

Student Support and Progression

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28
· Increase in student participation in National & International activities

· Strengthening good rapport with Alumni

· Felicitation of Meritorious Students

· Financial Incentives to students 

· Financial support to learners through Earn while Learn Scheme

· Establishment of Student Career Katta

· Enriching student exchange programmes

· Career guidance and placement services for Alumni

· Organization of Trade Fair

· Conduct of periodical Alumni Meets

· Active involvement of Alumni in College Activities 

· Additional Library Cards for Meritorious students

· Strengthening of Center for Competitive Examinations

· Refining student exchange programmes

· Ensure more scholarships to students

· Placement drives 

· Inviting special outside coaches for different games

· Encouragement of Alumni participation in social, cultural and academic programmes

· Trade Fair Activities

· Conduct of periodical Alumni Meets

· Alumni encouragement programmes for active participation

· Introduction of Single Window System for on-line admission process 

· Seeking Contribution of alumni in Conferences

· Sports Shoes and Kits for Students

· Encouragement for start-ups and entrepreneurships

· Conduct of job fairs in collaborations with industry

· Organization of workshops on dance, music, theatre, fine art and literary events

· Strengthening of Placement Cell

· Conduct of periodical Alumni Meets

· Single Window System for on-line admission process 

· Strengthening support  of Alumni Association

· Organization of capacity enhancement programmes

· Counselling and mentoring for slow learners

· Organization of Trade Fair Activity in association with small scale industries

· Developing Student friendly environment for capacity building

· Inviting Alumni as experts in dance, music, theatre, fine art and literary events

· On-line Admission process 

· Single Window System

· Seeking Contribution of alumni for Conferences

· Programmes to enhance leadership among the students

· Rejuvenate Students’ clubs to nurture creativity

· Organization of workshops on dance, music, theatre, fine art and literary events

· Organization of placement drives

· Organization of Trade Fair Activity in association with small scale industries

· Alumni engagement in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities

Governance, Leadership and Management

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28
· Formation of work distribution committees

· Academic Calendar & its execution

· Development of democratic and transparent organizational structure

· Comprehensive and effective performance appraisal of faculty and staff

· Seeking grants from UGC and other agencies viz. DST, CSIR, etc.

· Periodical faculty and staff development programmes

· Introduction of Comprehensive and effective performance appraisal of faculty and staff

· Periodical conduct of Financial Audits by Internal and External Agencies

· Conduct of Academic & Administrative Audit

· ISO 9001:2015 Certification Audit

· Equitable allocation of responsibilities through committees

· Academic Calendar & its execution

· Seeking grants from UGC and other agencies viz. DST, CSIR, etc.

· Periodical faculty and staff development programmes

· Continuation of Comprehensive and effective performance appraisal of faculty and staff

· Growth oriented budgetary allocation

· Periodical conduct of Financial Audits by Internal and External Agencies

· Promote participation of staff members in FDPs

· Organization of Management Development Programmes (MDPs)

· Conduct of Academic & Administrative Audit

· ISO Certification Surveillance Audit

· Committee structure with clearly defined roles, responsibilities and objectives

· Formation of Academic Calendar & its execution

· Seeking grants from UGC and other agencies viz. DST, CSIR, etc.

· Ensuring of staff welfare schemes.

· Periodical conduct of Financial Audits by Internal and External Agencies

· Facilitate participation in online and Face-to-face training programme

· Organization of Management Development Programmes (MDPs)

· Conduct of Academic & Administrative Audit

· ISO Certification Surveillance Audit

· Formation of Academic Calendar & its execution

· Seeking grants from UGC and other agencies viz. DST, CSIR, etc.

· Periodical conduct of Financial Audits by Internal and External Agencies

· Develop a fully automated Management Information System

· Undertake academic and administrative audit, green and environment audit, library audit, energy audit and to implement the recommendations.

· Organization of Management Development Programmes (MDPs)

· Conduct of Academic & Administrative Audit

· ISO Certification Surveillance Audit

· Formation of Academic Calendar & its execution

· Seeking grants from UGC and other agencies viz. DST, CSIR, etc.

· Periodical conduct of Financial Audits by Internal and External Agencies

· Implementation of efficient Grievance Redressal committee

· Organization of faculty and staff development programmes

· Organization of Management Development Programmes (MDPs)

· Conduct of Academic & Administrative Audit

· ISO Certification Surveillance Audit


Institutional Values and Best Practices

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28
· Promotion of sustainable development through eco-friendly practices· Organization of Vijay Din Samaroh and celebration of other commemorative days

· Gender equity programmes and conduct of Gender Audit

· Policy document on environment and energy usage

· Ensuring  proper waste and water management systems

· Introduction of one best practice by each department 

· Green audit / Environment audit & Energy audit

· Environmental promotion and sustainability activities

· Gender sensitization programmes

· Celebration of commemorative days and Vijay Din Samaroh

· Participation in Pani Foundation Activities

· Continuation of the best practice by each department

· Implementation of the green protocol

· Ensure gender equity and parity

· Management of the various types of degradable and non-degradable waste

· Organization of activities for inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony

· Initiatives for clean and green campus 

· Continuation of best practices by departments

· Proper management of the various types of degradable and non-degradable waste

· Celebration of commemorative days

· Continuation of the best practice by each department

· Awareness and sensitivity about environmental issues

· Continuation of best practices by departments

· Continuation of activities for inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony

· Gender equity programmes and conduct of Gender Audit

· Celebration of commemorative days

· Gender equity programmes and conduct of Gender Audit

· Participation in Pani Foundation Activities

· Continuation of the best practice by each department

· Programmes on Awareness and sensitivity about environmental issues

· Organization of Vijay Din Samaroh

· Management of the various types of degradable and non-degradable waste

· Continuation of best practices by departments

· Celebration of commemorative days

· Participation in Pani Foundation Activities

· Continuation of the best practice by each department

· Programmes on Awareness and sensitivity about environmental issues

· Management of the various types of degradable and non-degradable waste

· Continuation of activities for inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony

· Continuation of best practices by departments

Academic Calendars

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell distributes academic and administrative activities at the commencement of the academic year. Work is allotted to the concerned faculty considering individual interest and potential. The Academic Calendar Committee prepares Academic Calendar of the activities before commencement of the academic activities. The Academic Calendar consists of the planning of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Sr.No. Year View Details
1 Academic Calendar 2023-24 View
2 Academic Calendar 2022-23 View
3 Academic Calendar 2021-22 View
4 Academic Calendar 2020-21 View
5 Academic Calendar 2019-20 View
6 Academic Calendar 2018-19 View
7 Academic Calendar 2017-18 View

Quality Initiatives

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell has introduced the following post NAAC 3rd Cycle Assessment quality initiatives for quality enhancement –

Nature of Activity Title/ Particulars
Introduction of Programmes Introduction of 06 PG & 03 UG Programmes
Faculty Training Workshops & Lecture Series on NAAC Revised Guidelines
Workshops on IPR
Workshops on use of ICT Tools in TLE & Administration
International, National Seminars / Conferences
Workshops on Revised Syllabus
Research Grants for Projects National Funding Agencies
College Corpus Funds
Audits Academic & Administrative Audits by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha
Academic Audit by Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Academic Audit by SGECT, Pune
ISO 2009-2015 (Rhe-Inland, Germany)
Green Audit, Energy Audit, Gender Audit
Student Training Student Induction Programmes
Training for Placement
MoUs MoUs, Collaborations and Linkages

Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs)

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell prepares Annual Quality Assurance Report with the assistance of NAAC Criterion Chairmen –

Criterion No. Title Chairman
1 Curricular Aspects Dr. V. S. Koshti
2 Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Dr. N. D. Nikam
3 Research, Innovations and Extension Dr. V. S. Jamadade
4 Infrastructure and Learning Resources Dr. M. B. Hande
5 Student Support and Progression Dr. D. G. Sontakke
6 Governance, Leadership and Management Dr. S. M. Deshpande
7 Institutional Values and Best Practices Dr. S P. Nalawade

The details of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs) submitted (Online/ Offline) to NAAC, Bangalore are as follows:

Sr.No. Particulars View Details
1 AQAR 2021-22 View
2 AQAR 2020-21 View
3 AQAR 2019-20 View
4 AQAR 2018-19 View
5 AQAR 2017-18 View

Best Practices

Sr.No. Name View Details
1 7.2.1. Best Practice I View
2 7.2.1. Best Practice II View

Student Satisfaction Survey

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